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you stared at the kid, who is actually now your 'little brother', and patted his spiky hair, "well that's a cute name. it suits me."

he slapped your hand away and gave you an annoyed look, "what is wrong with you? have you finally lost it?"

you scoffed at this kid, "what a rude kid. seems like our father didn't do a good job raising you, huh?"

he continued looking at you in disbelief, "we don't have a father." was what he said as he sat down at the kitchen table, leaving you hanging.

"what! so you're saying i'm also a fatherless child in this life?" you sighed in dissapoinment. "what a shame, i was hoping i could have one tho."

you lazily dragged yourself beside your little brother, when suddenly, a little girl, but older than the one beside you, barged into the house, and ran towards you.

"you're finally awake! you have been sleeping for 3 days straight! we were so worried for you! are you okay?" she started scanning your face, and you can't help but feel ticklish because of her soft touchs.

"um, who are you?" you asked.

you felt her stiffening and watch how her mouth dropped. "what..." she took a step back, before screaming, "you have amnesia?!"

you tried calming her down as she started screaming and crying. while your little brother,

"she looks fine. she just doesn't remember anything."

"how is that fine?!" the little girl shouted, and you nodded because that is your exact same thoughts. now you can't help but wonder if your little brother does loves you.

after minutes of trying to calm down the little girl. you were finally, able to eat your breakfast and learned more info about yourself.

just like your old life; you have no father and your mother is not mothering. your age is also 18 years old, a 3rd year highchooler.

although this time, the highschool you go to, is a completely normal one. which you find so weird. because, even at this new body, you can still feel, sense, and see curse energy.

you pushed that thought away, and focus more on the other info of this new body of yours; fushiguro megumi is your little brother. while tsumiki is your little sister.

you live in a small house, and according to them, you were a hardworking girl who loves to study and draw.

you laughed to yourself. because you knew that starting from today, you won't be known as someone like that anymore.

"phew! what a nice life i have here." you laid down on your soft bed and stared at the ceiling. it was a very tiring day for you, as you tried to familiarized yourself with this new body of yours.

and now that you're alone. everything was quiet and dark. you can't help but think of three person,

"i wonder how they're doing?" you asked yourself before letting out a very long groan. if only you knew that you were gonna die, then you should have  never picked a fight with shoko about her smoking habits and,

"actually, fuck satoru!" you shouted as you recalled how, one day, he suddenly stopped approaching you and continued giving you the cold shoulder.

of coarse, as his bestfriend, you tried talking to him for so many times, but that bitch had the audacity to ignored you and now you can't help but roll your eyes.

"gosh what did i even do to him?" as far as you can remember, you just got home from the blind date— your father set you —and then poof! gojo become bitchy.

don't get it wrong; he has always been btichy.

but this was the first time, you couldn't tolerate it nor match with his attitude. especially, since it was obvious that he was mad at you. you were the target of his bitchy attitude! and for what? for nothing!

although, despite all that, deep inside you know that he loves you. "ehehe!" you smirk as you imagined him looking at your dead body. it has always been your dream to die after someone's fought you. so that they can't sleep at night and regret the bad things they did to you.

gosh, it's giving you pleasure as you imagine him crying and saying things such as "i should have never been a bitch to her! [y/n] come back alive pls! i promise ill stop being a bitch. the world can't live without someone as pretty like you!".

you continued snickering at your silly thoughts before yawning. "i hope that jerk suffers." was the last thing you murmured as you slowly drift to sleep.



yaga ordered as he fully covered your dead body. "they can't be bother on their mission right now."

the staff played with his finger, very hesitant as he protested, "shouldn't they know? i heard they were bestfriends."

"which is exactly why we shouldn't tell them. they'll go berserk and will surely abandoned their mission once they found out." yaga sighed as he crossed his arms.

the staff gulped and even though he didn't like the idea of keeping your death as a secret to those two, his hatred for this place was even more bigger, that's why he nodded and immediately went outside, leaving yaga and a quiet short haired girl, behind.

now, it was silent.

all you could hear was the silent breathing of those two... the aircon sound... and a cricket creaking... before yaga primly closed his eyes.

"damn it." another day, yet another familiar feeling wherein, he sent a student to a mission and they came back, dead.

he thought one day, he'll get used to this. but no. he thought wrong. as the feeling of grief and regrets only get worsen and worsen as days passes.

and once again, he can't help but think that all of this are; "it's my fault. sorry-" but before he could even finished, shoko interrupted him.

"shut up. she's dead." even though her face was buried to her knees, yaga knows. he knows that she has been silently crying, when he heard how hoarse her voice was, and how it kept on cracking.

he glanced at her when she suddenly laughed, so bitterly. "if you're really sorry, then bring her back to life." even though it was a sarcastic remark, there was no sarcasm hinted in her voice. she slowly stood up, her face; no where to found as her hair was covering it, as she sneered at yaga, "once you bring her back alive, don't tell her i'm smoking outside."

yaga's eyes didn't miss how a single drop of water fell on the floor. if this was a normal day, he would think of it as her sweat. but damn. he wished that this was just a normal day, no tragedy, no deaths included, and how that was just a fucking sweat. but oh.

yaga scoffed.

when did shoko ever sweat? that girl is lazy, doesn't do any physical activity, so even if this was a normal day, she wouldn't and never ever sweat. that's the kind of girl she is.

and now she's crying.

mourning for the lost of her bestfriend.

yaga looked down, and didn't utter anything as he heard the door slamming.

RETRY / G. SATORU Where stories live. Discover now