Chapter 9: Returning back

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The four months pass by faster than Miki would like to admit, and just a blink of an eye, she is standing in front of her father, saying goodbye.

"Take care of yourself, Miki." Her father said, hugging her tightly.

"I will, father." She replied, hugging her father back with an equally tight hug, she will really miss this. "Besides, we're going to meet each other very soon."

That's right, the magic knight entrance exams are only in two months.

Julius smiles. "Well then, are you sure you can fly alone this time? Do you want Marx to escort you still?"

"Dad, I assure you that I will be fine, I've always been fine flying by myself. Besides, I think it'll be safer if I fly alone too, since it's still daytime and people will be out more." She reasoned.

Nodding in return, Julius can only watch as his daughter, who he always notices has grown up, climbs onto her floating broom as she gives him a last wave.

"Goodbye, Dad." She smiled.

"Goodbye, my little star." The wizard king waved back, and Miki was off.


"Hey princess, where are we even going?" Star asked. Sitting on Miki's shoulder, the fairy watches as the capital gets smaller and smaller each second Miki flies.

"Just be patient Star, you'll see when we get there." Was the only thing Miki replied to her.

After their "heart to heart" conversation, the two of them seemingly act like nothing had ever happened before, which Star partially is grateful for. But still, the fairy couldn't help but feel a little awkward around the princess after talking about something so personal.

After flying for a long amount of time, Miki finally perked up when she saw a familiar scenery.

"Ah! We're here Star!" She told the fairy on her shoulder.

"Ugh finally!" Star groaned. "I'm sick of being in the air for hours now."

Miki only giggled before she looked around at the area.

"I can't land directly in the village." She commented. "So I'll need to make a detour into the forest nearby."

Landing slowly on the ground below her, Miki glanced around her surroundings again, making sure no one had seen her land on a broom. In Hage, the most everyone knows about her is that she has relatives in another village, and if she got caught knowing how to ride a broom, hiding her real identity will become harder.

"Where are you going now? Why go to this far away village in the forbidden realm anyway?" Star asked.

Only smiling, Miki slowly walked to the skirt of the forest where there lay a beautiful scenery of a small village, it looked like any other village with people working and children running around. But to Miki, it is more than that.

"Because Star...this place is my second home."


The small ones were the first ones to notice the girl running their way, immediately they jumped and screamed: "MIKI'S HERE! MIKI'S HERE!" Rekka ran into the church to tell everyone else and mere seconds later, father Orsi, sister Lily and Nash immediately ran out to welcome her, even Nash couldn't hide his excitement in meeting the girl again after a while.

"Miki! Welcome back!" Sister Lily said as she hugged the ginger.

"Good to see you back, Miki." Father Orsi added.

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