Ch. 12: Care

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~{ Moon's POV }~

Slowly, I feel myself in a warm, soft blanket and something lying on my shoulder. I open my eyes to see Sun, laying beside me while in a deep, dreamless sleep. I sit up and carefully place Sun's hand on the ground. Then I rub my eyes to get rid of the rest of my sleepiness.

I start to stand up, but suddenly, I get a massive headache. So, I sit back down and start to take deep breaths. I can feel an immense amount of pain when any part of my skin bends with my movements. My stupid brother's and father's fault for this...

"Moon..?" A small, tired-sounding voice says. I look down beside me and see that Sun's awake. I smile a little and I place my hand on his head. "Yes, Sun?" I ask. He rubs his eyes, then he sits up. "What are you doing?" He asks. I tilt my head to the right in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You have to lay down. Take it easy," He says as he gently and carefully lays me back down. I ask, "Why?" Sun sighs and he points to me. "You're whole body is in pain right now, I'm guessing? Yeah, that's why. You got burned by the looks of it and it's like you got your head bashed in. Luckily, it isn't too bad of a wound," He replies.

I hum and nod in response. I guess it does make sense after all of that. And he is right, my body does hurt... "Oh, and Moon? I'll be taking care of you for the time being. I hope you're okay with that," He says. I nod silently and I quietly yawn. I guess I'm still a bit tired. "Now, I'm going to go get you some food and water. Stay in here in the meantime," He says before he waves and starts climbing down the ladder for this tree house of his.

After a few minutes of just sitting here, Sun comes back with a plate in his left hand and a cup in his right. He walks to me, then sits down. Soon, I see that on the plate are apple slices with a bit of peanut butter. And also two oranges and a cup of yogurt with a spoon. Then, in the cup, there's water. I hope that this water here doesn't burn too...

To test if it does, I grab the cup and I dip my finger into the water. Surprisingly, it doesn't burn me at all! I notice Sun laughs a little. Probably because he has no idea why I just did that. Anyways, I put the cup down and I slowly sit up. "Well, you can eat whatever you want first. This is your food, afterall," Sun says sweetly.

I smile and nod, then pick up one of the apple slices with peanut butter on top. I eat it with no hesitation and it doesn't taste that bad. It's actually pretty good. I smile as I start to eat more as the plate slowly becomes empty. Sun decided to draw in a sketchbook in the meantime. I smile a little wider from seeing him. He's actually really sweet.

Suddenly, I remember how I hurt him when we first met...It wasn't my fault though. I was just angry at my stupid brother. I needed to prove my brother that I could hurt someone! But, now I regret hurting him. I see the bandages on his waist are still there from when I peirced my claws in his fragile body... His body, it felt soft on my grasp. I want to feel that again.

Out of nowhere, I grab Sun and yank him into my lap. He yelps and looks at me in confusion and surprise. "M-Moon, what was that for?!" He yells. I close my eyes as I move my head to the back of his neck where the bite mark I made before is still there, along with the one on his shoulder. "Shhh...Do you remember this~?" I whisper. Sun nods slowly and silently.

I chuckle and kiss the bite mark on his neck. He shivers and he softly hums. I smirk and I lick the bite. He shivers again, but this time with a whine. I smile and move my head back up. I notice Sun is looking happy and content. I turn him around so he'll face me as he lays his head on my chest. Just like that other night.

"Moon, why did you pull me into your lap?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders and I hold him close, despite all of the burning pain of anything touching my skin. He just smiles and stays close. This is nice...


Hiii~! It's just a small fluff chapter :)
It's not much, but it's good enough for now-

Word Count: 817

~The Legend In His League~ {Sun x Moon FNAF}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ