Ch. 13: Leaf Pile

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~{ Sun's POV }~

After around 30 minutes of cuddling with Moon, I decide to take him outside. Of course, he changed to look like how he did when we were out in public last time. Except, I made him wear more warm clothes since the weather had started to get cold as it was becoming autumn, my favorite season. (Mine too)

I put on a nice sweater and a scarf with sweatpants. Moon and I climb down the ladder of my tree house, and also careful as to not run into my mother. We make our way to the town park as Moon's nose is adorably red. He must be cold. But it isn't that cold. Hm...

~{ Moon's POV }~

Sun decided to take us to the park for some fun. Obviously, he promised we'd be careful so my burns won't hurt a lot. Once we stepped out of the warm tree house, I immediately felt cold. I'm used to hot temperatures that could even cause random fires. But this... I've never felt this cold. I could feel my hands growing this horrible temperature, so I stuff them in my pockets. While we were walking to the park, I saw Sun glance at me and seeming to be baffled or puzzled.

Oh, I'm sure it's nothing though. After we arrive at the park, we stroll around the sidewalk. Until, at one point, we see a pile of leaves beside a tree. Sun gasps and yells, "Moon, look! A leaf pile!" What? What's so interesting about a leaf pile?

Before I can process anything else, leaves explode everywhere as Sun jumps into the pile of leaves with a loud squeal. I laugh a little and watch him play in the leaves. Out of nowhere, Sun grabs my arms and yanks me into the pile of leaves with him. I yelp as the leaves fall on top of us. I feel my nose get even more red as the leaves feel a little cold, along with the soft grass.

Sun holds me in his arms which helps the cold temperature with his warm, human body and his soft, light skin. And of course, I can't forget his adorable freckles on his face. And, most heavenly...Those beautiful spots of slightly darker skin all over his body. I smile as I stare into his ocean blue eyes, as his glare meets mine. His eyes meeting my yellow eyes. I'm pretty sure he thinks the color is just eye contacts, which is good. Anyways, Sun places some leaves on my head. Actually, that gives me an idea...~

A smirk replaces my smile as I shower myself in leaves. I move to be in a position of a gremlin as I crawl around on all fours. Sun's having a laughing fit over this while I tackle him deeper into the leaves. "RAAAWWWRR~!! I'M THE LEAF MONSTER AND I STOLE MOON!" I yell, now playing as the 'leaf monster'. Sun squeals and plays along.

"Oh no! How dare you??!!! Aaaaahhh, return Moon before I become uh...LEAF BLOWER MAN!!" (Ayo?? 😏) Sun yells as I gasp dramatically. "OH NO!! AAAAHH!! I'VE...BEEN...DEFEATED!!!" I yell as I dramatically fall on my back in a funny position as leaves fly off of me. Sun laughs and continues playing along.

"Moon! You're safe! Oh, the leaf monster was furious but I was strong and I saved you!" He yells adorably. I gasp and reply, "Ah! Oh, stars~! Then, that makes you...The prince who saves the stolen boy!" I chuckle as I dramatically throw my arms up. Sun giggles and says, "Huh, I guess you're right. Well then, fear not, dear boy! Your prince has arrived for your protection! And saving!" He picks me up as I yelp. I was not expecting that. But, oh well.

"Aaah! Dear prince, you saved my life!" I shout with a small chuckle. Sun smiles and replies, "Of course I did!" I smile as well and get out ot Sun's arms. "Well, that was fun," I say, breaking my act. Sun nods and replies, "Yeah, I liked that." I nod and we get up from the leaves. I brush myself off, which Sun does the same. Before anything else, I feel a weird sensation. Out of nowhere, I just- Sneeze!

Sun looks at me for a few seconds before laughing. "Why- Haha- why do you look so confused? Heh! I-It was just a sneeze!" Sun says. My face gets red in embarrassment and I look away. "It surprised me, that's all!" I sorta-shout. Sun giggles and nods. "Well, we should head back now. Cause with that red nose and your sneeze, you might get sick! So let's go," Sun says as I nod.

We walk back to Sun's house and Sun picks up some food on the way there. When we get back, Sun cautiously leads me up into his tree house. We lay onto the mattress together and nap for the hours we have alone. It's just so nice to sleep in such a peaceful boy's presence...


Yaayyy, finally a new chapter! :D

Word Count: 855

~The Legend In His League~ {Sun x Moon FNAF}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें