Depuis le début

I was so frustrated that I buried my head in my hands. "Don't you even understand Japanese?"

"I-Im sorry sir, I will do my best to learn some words" She responded with a smile.

"Don't smile at me! Starting from now on if I ever see your stupid smile again, I won't let you go!" I said while pointing my hand at her.

"I'm sorry sir" she still said with a smile attached on her face.

"I told you not to smile!" I said with a frowned eyebrows.

"It's not a smile sir, It's what they called grin" She responded and still wearing that stupid smile.

"あなたはただバカなだけではなく、実は頭がおかしいのです! (You are not just stupid, you are actually crazy!)" I mumbled to myself.

"Do you need anything sir?" She said with a beamed smile.

"Arrgh! I said get out!" I responded while pointing my hand at the door.

"And don't call me sir! You stupid smiley face!" I said as she walks away happily.

Thalia's POV

Mr.Nishimura was really good-looking, but he has a really bad temper. Does he really hate my smile? Everyone says that my smile makes them forget their problems, but for Mr.Nishimura, it's the opposite. It makes him angry every time I smile at him.

"Good morning everyone!" A girl with a pretty face shouted as she walked inside of the kitchen.

"Good Morning Konon-san" all the maid greeted her with a smile attached on their faces.

"Oh, this must be the new maid that was hired by my parents. They really have an eye for a good one" She said as she slowly walked towards me.

"Good Morning Ms." I said while looking at her beautiful eyes.

"Pft HAHAHA, This one really is interesting. Konon-san, just call me that, ok?" She said while patting my head softly.

"Nice to meet you Konon-san!" I said with a warm smile.

"I wonder what will be Niki-kun's reaction after he sees you" She said while grabbing the bowl of steamed rice on my hand.

"Niki-kun?" I said while looking at her with full confusion.

"Wait, didn't my parents introduce us to you?" She said while raising one of her eyebrows.

"Ahm, she did, but she didn't mention someone named Niki-kun." I responded.

"Ahh, Niki-kun is my younger brother's nickname" She said before eating her food.

I just nodded, and continue what I'm doing earlier.

Konon's POV

After seeing the new maid this morning, I'm not gonna lie, she's really cute, especially with her smile. She actually looks like a smiley face emoji. It makes me more excited to see my brother's reaction after he sees her.

"おはよう!私の可愛い弟(Good morning! my cute little brother)" I said while looking at his angry face.

"なんでしょう? 見えないの? 私は今怒っています!(What do you want? can't you see? I'm angry right now!)" He said while carrying his dog named Bisco.

"Whoah chill bro...うちの可愛い弟がどうしてこんなに怒るの?(Why is my cute little brother so angry?)" I said while looking at him teasingly.

"誓います、もしまたそう呼んだら、必ず殺します!(I swear, if you call me that again, I'll definitely kill you!)" He said responded with a death glare.

"Aish fine fine, 私たちの両親は新しいメイドを雇ったのですが、彼女は本当にかわいいです。 あなたと彼女は仲良くすべきです.(Our parents hired a new maid and she's really cute. You and her should get along.)" I said while sitting on the chair that was infront of me.

He looks at me with an annoyed face, and that's when I realized the reason why he's so angry early in the morning.

"Oops, hahaha. Did I miss something that is interesting?" I said tapping the table

"It's none of your business!" He responded.

"Aish! it's no fun if you're always like that." I said while walking out of the room.

Niki's POV

Aishh! I won't let that stupid smiley face stay here any longer. She will just make my life a living hell. All the tying I did last night to her hair, is just an example. Just wait and see, I'll watch you walk out the door on your own one day!

Thalia's POV

After meeting Konon-san. I can already feel that all of us here will get along, but if it comes to Niki-san I need a much more patience.


Chapter 2: Spoiler

"Don't you know how to do things right?" I shouted at her, making all the maids walk away one by one.

"l'm sorry Niki-san" She said while removing some of the hakurikiko on my clothes.

"And who told you that you can call me in that name?!" I said removing her hands on me.

"Ahm that's your nickname right? it's cute and it suits you" She said while looking at me in the eye, before walking.

"You stupid smi--aah!"...........

AN : zoulsopure

Hi everyone! This will be consider as my first book, since I dropped the first book that I wrote which is "Linking". I suddenly run out of ideas in writing that one lol, but I'm still planning on writing it again with a different plot.

Hope y'all still support me in this one. Btw do interact with me here, don't worry I don't bite.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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