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"Wanting Something does not give you the right to have it." - Ezio Auditore, Assassin's Creed II: Brotherhood

Year: 132ac

Location: Winterfell

Dralarys had packed light early morning before the sun had risen. Her departure was to be made swift without a word, but it would have meant leaving her son behind.

It would soon be her husbands name day and she would have to have been present for it.

Throughout the weeks she had been distant from Cregan Stark and his nearly 4 year old son whom she also raised like her own along with her 3 year old son. Cregan was not yet aware that he had two children instead of one.

Brandeth had woken up to something heavy dropping just outside of his room.

He got up, carefully peaking with a weapon in his hand, just in case any intruders came in. He fully opened the door when he saw Dralarys placing her sword on her back before leaving. "Where are you going?"

She cursed in her mind knowing that she could not escape this. Dralarys stepped out of the house, trying to reach her horse, but Brandeth was too quick due to his long legs.

"You have to let me go!" Dralarys shouts at him.

"Go where? Are you leaving?" It had clicked for him. Her husbands name day was in a few short days. He would be of age of an adult. "It's him... isn't it?"

Dralarys nods, trying to be strong. "I have to leave. No one can know." Dralarys had gotten herself on the horse. "I do not know when I'll return. Please... take care." Dralarys had left.

Within seconds, Cregan Stark wanted to make a surprise appearance to his now-fiancé. She's been holding off the marriage for years now and he respectfully waited for her to be married. "Where is she going?" This startled Brandeth. His eyes told another story. "Dralarys!" Cregan shouts, not being aware of her running away. And so the chase began.

Year: 132ac

Location: King's Landing

Once again, Dralarys had grown distant from her now-husband, Aemond Targaryen. Everything was annoying her. The meetings had annoyed her, but she still attended them. Archery, combat training, and just about everything and everyone had annoyed her.

The only person who was not annoying was The King, Viserys Targaryen. Strange enough.

But when she got a letter from her nephews, everything seemed rather less annoying.

It had motivated her to put on her training gear and head down to the training grounds where she saw Aemond and Ser Criston fighting one another.

Dralarys, hair pullback in a ponytail, raised her hand, waving it side to side. "I call next!"

Aemond and Criston were focused, having to defeat Aemond. Aemond scoffed, placing his sword back. "Good one, Ser Criston."

"Don't worry. You will get there with me."

When Dralarys had caught up, Ser Criston had began to pack. "What are you doing? You're sparing me next?"

Criston and Aemond glanced at one another before Criston faced her. "My apologies, My lady. But it seems that the sessions are over for the day." Dralarys was a little taken back by this. "Maybe tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Criston fell quiet. She nods, not wanting to cause a scene. "Ser Erryk?"

Ser Erryk walked up behind her. "Yes, My lady?" Ser Criston tensed up, wondering what was next.

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