She threw a makeup brush at me. "Eavesdropper!"

I smiled, although hearing the conversation rather invoked a weird feeling in me.

"You ready?" I asked. "Don't want to keep Tony waiting too long."

She grabbed her purse and followed me out. When we got outside Tony was stood just outside the studio doors.

"Hey, Tony. Would you mind if we had dinner at my house? And would it be okay for Ava to tag along as well?"

His expression dropped. "Oh, uh, yeah, sure."

I smiled. "Alright, good. I'll send you my address."

He nodded and Ava followed me to my car. I'd chosen a BMW that day and Ava didn't seem the least bit impressed—as always.

As I began driving, she turned her body to face me in the passenger's seat. "How did you feel about my conversation with Daniel?"

I glanced at her with a confused expression. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason. I'm just wondering."

I found her question a bit odd but answered anyway. "Well I thought you saying the word 'baby' was quite funny."

She lightly punched my arm. "That's not funny. What if I called you baby?"

I felt my stomach drop and heart speed up. "I would bust out laughing."

"No you wouldn't."

"Yes I would."

She smiled. "Okay fine, I guess we'll just have to test that theory. I'll make sure to catch you off guard so I can get your real reaction."

When we arrived at my house, Tony's car was already in the driveway. We got out and lead him inside.

"Nice place," he commented, taking a look around the fifty foot ceiling living room slash kitchen.

"Thank you."

I told the two of them to sit at the island while I made dinner. Tony offered to help but I didn't want to leave Ava left out to watch since I knew she was useless in the kitchen.

"So, you two are pretty good friends, huh?" Tony asked.



Ava shot me a death glare but I answered him truthfully, "Yes, we are. She's just a little shy to admit it."

He nodded and looked at me with gazing eyes. "It is a bit odd. I've never known a cleberity to be friends with someone normal."

I knew that would have pissed Ava off and turned to look at her. I was right. She tensed up and had a cold look written on her face.

"Why is that odd?" I asked.

He shrugged. "People usually want to steal our clout or money or something along those lines."

"Well Ava's different."

I noticed her looking toward me from the corner of my eye.

There was an awkward silence that filled the air as I made dinner. When I finished—it was spaghetti and meatballs—we gathered around my circular dining table—the smaller of the two. Ava sat across from me and Tony sat to my left.

"So, Lux, I was thinking we could talk about the love scene coming up next week."

I thought it a bit inappropriate to do in front of Ava, but before I could decline his offer, he began speaking. "The movie isn't going to show any nudity, but we'll have to be naked anyway."

Fame and Misfortune (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now