"That's only because I twisted my paw on a root!" Sandypaw argued, jumping to his paws and trying to size up Bluepaw. His eyes twinkled with mischief as he jabbed Bluepaw's chest with a claw. "You're just fluff and fat, so you can't climb trees like I can to get the squirrels and birds who run away!"

The pale-gray-and-white apprentice feigned offense and with one swipe of a hefty paw, he sent Sandypaw toppling over onto the ground and kicking up dust around them. He let out a laugh while watching his friend scramble to his paws, ears flat against his head with embarrassment. "Come on, you scraggly scrap of fur," he taunted, trotting toward the camp entrance. "Let's get this contest over with so I can rub it in your face that you've lost again."

"The one with the least amount of prey has to clean out all the dens for a moon!" Came Sandypaw's shout as he hurried after Bluepaw.


Bluepaw flattened himself to the ground while he spied on the rabbit from afar. He'd gotten close enough that a quick burst of speed would have the furry little animal turn into fresh-kill, but he waited a little bit longer. No need to rush things when waiting can make it easier on me. As he watched the creature sniff around and come closer and closer to him, Bluepaw prepared to spring out and claim his prize. He readied himself, aimed, and leapt forward. The rabbit reared up with fear flashing in its eyes that was short-lived as Bluepaw tackled it and killed it neatly with a quick bite to the neck. The rabbit fell limp beneath his paws and Bluepaw lifted his muzzle, feeling proud.

Scooping up the biggest catch in his apprenticeship, Bluepaw carried it toward a patch of ferns and swiftly buried it and covering it with leaves and sticks to make sure no scavenger could get to it. He moved on, feeling safe that he'd gotten one up on Sandypaw already. Tasting the air, Bluepaw quickly picked up on the scent of a squirrel just a couple fox-lengths away. Bluepaw dropped into a crouch and followed the tantalyzing scent through some tall grass that parted to reveal the little fuzzy tree animal nibbling on a seed, unaware of the danger it was in. Narrowing his eyes in concentration, Bluepaw let out a silent sigh, unsheathed his claws, and lurched forward. He took the squirrel between his teeth and bit down until the squirrel fell limp in his jaws.

Sloppy, but at least I can show Sandypaw I can catch squirrels.

A sharp cry split the air, causing Bluepaw to drop the squirrel and his fur bristled. There was another shrill shriek that was a lot closer than the last one, and Bluepaw bolted toward the cries of distress. Bluepaw braced himself as he tasted the bitter scent of blood as he came upon the commotion. A red fox had Sandypaw cornered against a tree. The fox's muzzle was scratched and it looked furious, but it was Sandypaw's condition that scared Bluepaw the most. His pale fur was ripped and torn, bleeding from punctures and heavy wounds that laced his body. Despite his injuries, he looked ferocious as he snarled at the fox.

"Sandypaw!" Bluepaw hurled himself at the fox, snapping at one of its legs to keep it away from his friend. There was a gasp from the other apprentice as the fox yapped and turned on him, beady eyes blazing with anger and starvation. "Run!" He yowled as he jumped at the fox, latching himself to its fur and digging his claws and teeth into the fox's flesh. The fox yelped and bit into Bluepaw's shoulder, making him hiss in pain.

Sandypaw's blood-streaked fur appeared in Bluepaw's view, and he looked terrified beyond belief. "I-I'll go get help!" He gasped, but he didn't move. He seemed frozen in place as he watched the fox savage Bluepaw's shoulder.

Agony sizzled in Bluepaw's body as the fox's fangs tore through fur and flesh, and Bluepaw grit his teeth against the pain. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he fought to be freed from the fox's jaws. He frantically clawed at the closest part of the fox that he could reach, but it didn't seem to faze the animal as it held onto him. When he looked over at where Sandypaw had been, he was gone. Bluepaw was all alone against one angry fox that refused to let him go.

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