"Are you hungry my angel? Is there something you want me to make especially for you?" I try to get words out but I am overwhelmed by the attention I am getting from him. I have never gotten attention like this from a man before, I finally manage to say, "Whatever is on the table is good to me thank you."

He leads me to my spot and helps me sit down. "Please eat as much as you like!" He shoots a nasty look at Zoro, "seems like you are doing better. What a pity."

With that he heads back to the kitchen. Zoro sits down mumbling something about a shitty cook. I lean over to him, "Is that what they called flirting? I have only read about it in books. I assumed everyone here was to scared of me to try."

Zoro laughs at me, "You are pretty clueless aren't you?" I stare blankly at him, "but yes that is flirting but trust me it is not always that weird and creepy."

I just nod. I grab a whole assortment of food around me. I am absolutely starving.  I take a bite of the food. "wow this is really good." Chopper was right. Zoro starts to talk, "don't let Sanji know that or..."

"Do you really like it Arya! I made it all so you can get better!" He continues with his strange dance.

"It is very good thank you Sanji. You are a very talented cook." Apparently this was the wrong thing to say because the cook erupts into a nose bleed.

"Sanji get a hold of yourself the other will be here soon and Luffy eats so much!" Chopper comments trying to make Sanji back off. Luckily it works.

The door slides open. It is Nami and Robin of the Straw Hat crew. "Arya! Zoro! You guys are finally up!" Nami shouts out.

Robin smiles softly, "It is good that both you alive in well. We wouldn't of wanted one of you to die now would we." I look over at Nami and Zoro. They don't find the comment odd so I just roll with it.

"Hey Sanji can we get a drink!" Nami yells out. Sanji is already spinning out with a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. "There you Nami-Swan! Robin-Chan!" They thanked the cook and smiled at him.

Shortly after Usopp, Franky, and Brooks come in. "Hey you guys are looking so much better! Super!" the cyborg booms.

The skeleton tips his hat, "I am glad that you are doing better miss. Now if you are feeling up to it may I see your panties." Nami hit him. That girl is my hero. I lean over to Zoro, "Is the panty thing. . . "

"For him yes. Normal in a human sense no." Zoro finishes for me. I nod. What an odd bunch of people.

"Arya did I tell you about the time that I took down an army 50,000 men uses my Haki alone?"

I start to answer, "No you . . ." Zoro leans over, "That is a lie it was Luffy who did it not him." Took down 50,000 men with Haki!?

The door slams open. I see Luffy standing there arms stretch out, "Wooo breakfast I am do hungry. O Zoro!  Arya! You guys are finally awake!" I feel his arms stretch over and wrap around our necks. He shoots forward and hugs me and Zoro. I can help but groan. Nami shouts out, "Idiot she just had surgery!"

I sit up "I am good. Thanks for your concern Luffy." He smiles big and sits down to eat.

Watching the Straw Hats eat was a sight. Luffy swallowed an inhuman amount of food, and the other men on the crew minus Sanji were no better. I ate and just watched them. They all seemed so happy and couldn't stop smiling. I sat there and wonder if I would ever have anything like that in my life. I shake me head. I will be with my dad on the run. I slowly get up and leave through the patio door.

The patio door to the kitchen opens up to a big lawn used for cook outs. I walk out a little bit and lay down in the grass. The warm sun beats on my face. I wonder what life with my father is going to be like? I wonder if it will be like it was before my mom died. Ha yeah right don't put that false hope in my brain.

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