Why does he only chooses me? Why do he even want to marry a person like me? Why is he obsessed with me? And most importantly how did he became obsessed with me? These were the questions which kept ringing in my mind every time. I slowly got up and did my morning routine and headed downstairs to see Gillean talking more like shouting at someone on a call.

I slowly sneaked towards the kitchen hoping to have breakfast. But there was no one in the kitchen. Well , I was kind of bored so I decided to make my breakfast by myself. I took the eggs and made an omelette. It was looking very delicious. I couldn't wait to eat it. I put it on table and went to kitchen to have a glass of milk. I came back and I spotted an empty plate with some crumbs on the table. The strange thing was that there was no one. My heart shattered into million pieces.

To be honest I never felt this much miserable. I couldn't do anything even though I knew who that criminal is. I really want to cry so bad. I again went to kitchen to myself a breakfast again. But this time, I made pancakes and they were looking better than that omelette.

After eating my breakfast peacefully this time, I headed towards his room as I didn't have anything to do, sleeping will be the best option. I opened the door and saw Gillean ready to go somewhere. “Are you going somewhere?” I asked him and he replied me immediately with a yes. “And one more thing don't you dare run again and for you to know I have tighten the security than before and I will be here by evening. So don't cause any trouble here.” he said warning me.

“Come on I am not any troublemaker.”
I said and he stared at me with a are you sure look. I sighed and said, “Okay fine, maybe I am. But you don't have to worry about me. I will be fine.”

The whole day passed with boredom and I didn't even had my phone with me. My one and only partner was music. I swear if music didn't exist I would be dead by now with this boredom.

I was waiting for Gillean and I also don't know why.  He told me he will be here by evening and it's nearly half past nine and he still isn't here. Wait a second, am I worried for him? But why? As long as I remember, I am not worried about someone that easily. No it can't be, I don't want to fall in love, atleast not for that psycho.

After about fifteen minutes, the door was opened by Gillean. He had some papers in his hands and I was very like very much confused right now. 'What is happening? What are those papers in his hands?' I thought as I was very curious to know about everything.

He put the papers and a pen on the table which was in front of me. “Sign it.” were the first words that escaped his mouth. As I looked towards the papers, I saw he already signed these papers.

“What are these and why do you need my signature here?” I asked him with a questionable look. “You Know, you can read and find out.” he said. I slowly read the paper and realised it was marriage papers. I was shocked, too stunned to speak anything. So, he was getting these whole day. I gulped because I don't want to marry anyone who isn't my choice. And I can't even say no because Laura's life is on risk. As she is the only person, I have in my life. I can't afford loosing her.

I took a deep breath and signed those papers while tears rolled down my cheeks. I am feeling very helpless. Gillean's lips form a smirk after I put the pen on table. He came to me and wiped my tears and whispered in my ear, “I told you that you were mine and now you are officially and legally mine, my kitten.”

These words sent chills to my spine but I couldn't stop my tears from falling down. I really wanted to cry my heart out. And I was thinking the boredom was the most miserable thing. He proved me wrong within few minutes.

I didn't realised when I hugged him and started crying out loudly.  I could feel he was getting annoyed by it but he didn't said anything. I really thought that he would push me but to my surprise he started caressing my back lightly trying calm me down.

After crying for about half an hour, I drifted to my dreamland. Next day, I woke up and I felt a tight grip on my waist. Gillean was hugging me really tight. My eyes were also paining. I just wanted to wash my face, so I tried to get rid from his grip but all my efforts went in vain.

I tried again and again but again failed. I knew he was strong but this strong, I never even imagined. “Let's stay like this for a while, I am lazy to get up now.” he said lazily. I just nodded hesitantly and again drowned myself in my thoughts.

It was noon and I was sitting in the living room. My married life was going like my normal life, 'miserable'. He just comes and kisses me out of the blue whenever he wants it. My lips are red and swollen already. And I don't know why my tears are not stopping.  I really need someone who can comfort me. I wish I could just wake up and this whole Gillean thing turns out to be a dream.

I want to meet Laura, she is the only one who can comfort me right now. Should I ask Gillean about it. Maybe just maybe he allows it. I gathered courage and went in his room. I opened the door and saw him drinking wine 'again'. I sat beside him and he asked, “Do you want something?” I hesitantly nodded my head.

“What is it?” he asked again. I hesitated a little to answer but Said it anyway, “Can I go to Laura's condo just for few hours only.” “ Okay, you can” he said immediately. “Please just for few hours I - Wait really you agreed that easily thank you thank you so much.”  I said while hugging him as I was excited already. He smiled a little at my behaviour. “But you will take some guards with you.” Gillean said totally ruining my excitement, I mumbled 'fine' and proceeded to get ready to go.

I was finally standing in front of Laura's
Condo.  I knocked on the door with a genuine smile plastered on my face. After a few seconds, the door was opened by an exhausted Laura. I didn't think twice and hugged her tightly. She immediately hugged me back.

“So, you finally remember me now.” she said and pulled away from the hug. I sighed and said , “Let's sit and I will tell you everything.”  She nodded and I told her everything and started crying badly. She hugged me tightly and it helped me a little to calm down. “I don't know what to do anymore. I just don't want to stay with him.” I said to her while she was about to say something but got cut off by someone, “I am sorry, you are like that just because of me.” I looked behind and saw Chester at the door. “It's not your fault the tiger was planning for hunt from a long time.” I said while I couldn't stop sniffing.

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