This Is Your Last Chance

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It took longer than Jack would have liked for his girlfriend to leave, having lunch plans with her friends gave Jack the perfect opportunity to sneak off to your place without her noticing. It wasn't that he didn't like her, out of all the girlfriends he had he liked her the most, but he still didn't love her like he loved you. Or at least thought he loved you.

Jack texted you to tell you he was on his way to your apartment, giving you enough time to get ready. You had already texted your boyfriend, Brandon, to see if he was going to come over, he replied saying no, he was hungover, and you told him that it was okay, you would let him rest and you let you know if he changed his mind.

On his way to your place, Jack called Urban.

"Hey, what's up?" Urban asked as he answered the phone.

"Hey. I need you to do me a favor." Jack told Urban.

"What do you need me to do now?" Urban sighed.

"If Chloe calls you, can you tell her I'm with you and we're doing a reshoot of a photoshoot from last week?" Jack asked, eyes focused on the road as he drove.

"But we didn't do a photoshoot last week, and we aren't doing a reshoot." Urban said confused, Jack sighing this time.

"Yeah, I know. Just do it please."

"Are you going to see.." Urban started before interrupted.

"Yes, but we don't need to talk about that." Jack cut him off.

"Jack, you know what I've told you before, you need to give up on that relationship. I'll do this for you once, but you need to figure this shit out on your own. I'm not going to help you lie and cheat on your girlfriend." Urban told him.

"Whatever, I don't even know if she'll call you." Jack told him before they both said goodbye and hung up. Jack had been caught previously by lying and saying he was with Urban, when he really was with you, so he had learned to let Urban know now. Jack even went as far to turn his phone off so Chloe couldn't check his location.

You two had done this so many times, getting caught for the smallest reason, that over time you got better and better at hiding, learning from each time you got caught. One time it was Jack's location being on, one time it was your boyfriend showing up unexpectedly, the other it was Jack's girlfriend calling Urban, and one time it was even as small as your hair tie being left in Jack's car.

It wasn't long until Jack was knocking on your door, you opening it to let Jack in. Once you closed the door behind you Jack's lips were on yours almost immediately. Your hands going to his hair as his were placed on your hips, guiding you to lean you into the door. You both deepened the kiss before Jack pulled away, resting his forehead against yours.

"Fuck I missed you." He told you, reaching up to push a strand of your hair behind your ear, his fingertips tracing down your jaw. Gently holding your chin as he pressed his lips to yours once more.

"I missed you too." You smiled softly up at him, sliding your hands from the back of his neck, over his shoulders and rested them on his chest. "Let's talk." You suggested.

"But what if I'd rather continue this?" Jack asked, his hands rubbing up and down at your waist.

"Jack." You sighed softly. "We need to talk about this." You told him, and he nodded, dropping his hands from your hips, one of his hands meeting yours.

"Okay, let's talk." Jack agreed, leading you to your living room, both of you sitting down on the couch.

"How long can you stay?" You asked Jack who shrugged.

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