Chapter 26 - Bottom Drawer

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Margot didn't expect Philip helping the authorities to solve Helena Empoy's murder in the Jones' house. And more to her shock when she also met Fiona on her first day of punishment.

Margot was arranging the broken furniture to one corner of the living room when Fiona approached her. Her ex-best friend brought snacks to the policemen that she was permitted to go outside.

She hesitated when she received a smile from Fiona. It was too good to be true. After almost six months of her best friend unfriending her for ruining their close relationship by her - liking the brother, Fiona was making a move.

And then, Margot got smacked by Fiona's careful, 'I don't want to offend you' tongue: "I saw your daddy and I knew. He's living with another wife and son now. I'm sorry, Margot -"

That meeting might had mended their relationship as friends; Margot cursed and left Fiona in the living room. She didn't want anyone's pity.

Margot didn't look at Fiona's reaction. She didn't care if she'd hurt her or got her angry again. Fiona hadn't been her friend for a while now; she'd moved on.

Hopefully with Philip as well...

"So that b*itch Elaine... she tried to hook up with you before New Year?"

It was quarter to five in the afternoon when Margot went up to the second floor to inform Miss Chui, the lady police who'd been handling her that she was going home; she found Philip alone in Helen's room, instead.

Philip was on his knees, checking receipts and other documents inside the cabinet's lowest drawer at the corner of the room. There were stacks of notebooks and books, mostly medical on the floor near him. He automatically fixed his black face mask over his mouth and stood up when he saw her.

Margot had planned to ignore him. She told herself, she didn't want to have anything to do with him, too. She'd been successfully avoiding him throughout the day since she was cleaning downstairs. But standing in front of him that moment... alone, the memory of a rose stem occurred to her.

There was again the glint of joy, sadness and then anger.

'I want to thank you for being with me, Margot.'  Margot remembered her eagerness as she took the single red rose from him. She had a secret crush on Fiona's brother, she couldn't believe her luck -!

'What kind of a friend who sneaks for the brother. Did you really want me as a friend? You know what? I think you only befriended me coz of my brother.' It had been a shock for Margot to hear Fiona's annoying and hurtful accusation. And then the verdict: 'I don't want to be friends with you anymore!'

Margot felt enraged with the recollection; she wanted to march off. But with Philip, gazing at her, she stood her ground, trying to be casual. She'd noticed his eyes looking really sad and she'd known him as a cheerful guy.

What happened?

Phillip had always been physically fit but Margot thought, he gained some pounds during quarantine. Fortunately, he still wasn't as chubby as Fiona who'd looked like, left in charge of the refrigerator. And despite of the extra fat on the arms and slight bulge, almost unnoticeable in the tummy; Philip was still a cute in his neat army crew-cut.

He wore a shirt with grey and black patterns and a six pocket cargo shorts. Margot was wearing an oversized shirt, she was suddenly conscious with her shorts, her long skinny legs exposed.

Philip seemed not interested though. He likes older women with boobs!

Margot sighed with Maddie's voice, filling her head.

"Never mind," she told Philip. "I wasn't snooping, really. I just heard from officer Chui about Elaine contacting you last year. Anyway I have to go."

"Miss Chui said she'll escort us home," Philip said, kneeling back down for the documents inside the drawer. His voice was in monotone, disinterested, as if someone had died.

Margot's forehead creased. Of course! This was all about Elaine.

Philip was helping the authorities solve Helen's murder because Elaine was probably involved... and still missing.

"Miss Chui won't be long," Philip said. "She told me, she'll come back ASAP. Want to help me find something?"

Margot's mouth opened in protest. Obviously, he was still in love with the b*itch who dumped him on the first place. The more reason she shouldn't have anything to do with him.

But she bit her lip. Her disposable mask was under her chin; she pulled it over her mouth and chose a thick book with an 'Rx' written on the cover. She started to scan. Philip could be looking for pictures, receipts; Margot couldn't think of anything to find. The knife maybe?

She scoffed at the idea. The murder weapon hadn't been found, probably taken by the criminal.

Philip had emptied the drawer, turning it upside down, then shook it.

Margot saw him frown. "What?" She couldn't hide her curiosity.

"The drawer have something rattling in it."

Fiona's older brother raised the empty drawer for her to check. It had been emptied, alright. But looking closely, Margot noticed a short black yarn at the bottom left. Tugging it, she discovered the secret compartment at the bottom of drawer. There were more receipts inside it and a brown envelope -?

"Are you two ready to go?"

Margot dropped the drawer as they heard Miss Chui call from the main door below.


"So, I'll see you tomorrow."

The crisp and frank tone of the hospital director was unnerving; Neri was just glad that the lady didn't remember her during the interview. Who'd thought that the tall sophisticated staff in grey PPE that she'd run into was a boss at the Don Juan Medical Hospital.

They were in her office. White and neat. Certificates hung at one side of the wall. There was a filing cabinet in one corner and a computer on the office table. Long sheets of plastics hung like drapes over the windows and the door. It was a common scenario in every establishment, especially in hospitals.

Doctor Zoila was garbed again in complete grey PPE overalls. Neri guessed it was a uniform distinction from the other employees.

"You will be wearing a white PPE, Miss Beltran," the hospital director told her, as if reading her mind. "Ask for Marlyn tomorrow. She's the head nurse. I'd already asked her to take care of you."

"Thank you, ma'am -"

"Doctor Zoila," she corrected, eyes suddenly squinting as if trying to recall if she'd seen Neri before.

Neri wore a smart baby blue blouse and dark slacks. Her orange hair was fashioned in a tight bun. She had on a N95 respirator and face shield.

"Tomorrow then, Doctor Zoila. Thank you very much." With that Neri took her leave, calming herself with the idea of the hospital director, not recognizing her.

If she'd be confronted and sent to jail for trespassing the hospital and pretending to be an employee two weeks ago, it will be Robbie's fault.

Neri sighed. The ghost had been supportive for her to start her career again. And Don Juan Medical Hospital  was his recommendation. Why?

By the door, she'd almost run into an employee in blue surgical mask.

"You have a visitor, Doctor." The staff's voice seemed tensed. "It's ma'am Sofia Amore Romana. Should we let her in?"

What a classy name, Neri thought. Sofia Amore Romana... 

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