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i stood around awkwardly while seeing my mom and aunt maya interact with one another.

i look around, wondering where aunt maya's nephew is.
he might not be here right now.

while in thought, i felt mom grab my wrist, dragging me into another room.

the room was clearly a kitchen, with a sort-of-small dining table.

"we will be having dinner shortly, by the time dinner is ready, im sure her nephew will be here" mom signed.
i give a thumbs up, asking a question in the process.
"do you know his name ?" i question, just being curious and all of that.
mom grins, nodding.
"pavitr" she spells out.
pavitr ? that is an interesting name.
i like it .

i sit at the dining table, nervously waiting for something i could do, i hated sitting around, because sitting around is what i've been doing all week.
i want to do something, but i don't know what.
i tried helping out with dinner, but aunt maya had shooed me away, probably not wanting a guest to help, out of respect, and although i do appreciate it, i am really bored.

after some time, i just start looking at the pictures on the wall.

one photograph caught my eye.

it was in a normal black frame, with a dirty old photo, but when i saw it, my eyes widened a bit, in surprise.

it was mom, with who i assumed would be aunt maya, hugging each other tightly, they looked to be around six years old in this photo, and they both had huge grinning smiles, probably giggling when the picture was taken.
it was such a cute photo.
i couldn't take my eyes off of it.

i was so entranced by it, my head was empty, with no thoughts, just taking in all the beauty that was in that image.

- ah !
i jumped harshly after feeling a large vibration rupture throughout the house.
it was like someone slammed the door, well in fact, that actually was the case.

i whip my head around, making eye contact with my mom, she seemed to be holding back a laugh at my reaction.
i rolled my eyes playfully at mom, scoffing.

however, a thought roamed in my mind.
is that him ?
the nephew ?
the boy ?
pavitr ?

i see a boy arrive hastily at the kitchens entrance, as if he was looking for something.
he made eye contact with my mom, then me.
the boy, who had curly raven hair, and a blue headband to go along side it.
a cream colored t-shirt, with a collar.
a tie, that matched with his headband.
navy blue shorts on, socks that were the same color as his shirt, and some brown shoes.
was looking at me.
for quite a long time, i might add.

i see a huge smile grows across his facial features, and his mouth starts moving rapidly, like he was talking. . .talking to me ? . . . huh . .
i don't think anyone has told him about my disability.

suddenly, his aunt catches his attention.

i watch in live time as the boys face shifted from one of cheerfulness, to one of regret, and horror.
. . .i think he was just informed.

he turns to me with a guilty expression, he tries asking for forgiveness by giving me a strange smile, a very awkward and odd smile.
of course, i wasn't mad, i never was.
i return a small smile, showing that i really didn't mind what he just did.

he takes a breath of relief.

he approaches me, extending a hand, for a hand-shake.

i gladly accept his offer of an introduction, shaking his hand.

the boy becomes chipper again, sitting down beside me at the table, while my mom brings over the food to the table.
dinner was ready.
and i am starving.

my mom has never met pavitr before either, but i see as my mom strikes up a conversation with the boy.
i wish i could hear, i wondered what she was saying to him.

everyone gets seated down at the table, having a nice hot and warm meal laid down in front of us.

i haven't had a proper meal in what felt like ages.

i know i'm gonna enjoy this.

i feel right where i'm suppose to be.
at home.
ah. . .home sweet home.
[ tbc ]

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