10.75| Thing

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The walk back to Wednesdays dorm was quiet, ignoring the way Wednesdays lifeless eyes found themselves watching the body beside her instead of the hall ahead.

Ignoring the way she was watching me, until I couldn't take it anymore, "what?" I said with a small laugh. Wednesday only shrugged, "was just looking."

"mhmm..." I hummed, rolling my eyes.

When we got closer to her dorm we saw that the door was left ajar. Wednesday looks back at me confused, "Thing probably forgot to close it." I suggested, trying to make sense of why Thing would would forget. He never forgets, he will randomly come to my dorm to double check that I locked my own door.

Wednesday pushes open the wooden door, revealing the trashed room. Her desk thrown inside out, papers everywhere.
"The dairy..." She lets out, staring at her destroyed room. Before quickly searching around.

"Thing?" I call out, looking for the appendage as I walk deeper into the room. As I get more into the dorm, a dripping sounds out louder.

"Thing..." Wednesday breaths, rushing toward the wall. I look up, seeing Thing stabbed through the palm and stuck to the wall. Crimson blood dripping down and onto the floor, leaving a sound while falling into the puddle.

Wednesday pulls him down, holding the not moving hand in her own. Eyes wide with shock and fear.

"We need to go for help." I say, grabbing a few tissues from Wednesdays desk and wrapping it around Thing. "Fester." Wednesday tells me.
I nod, "Okay, yeah- let's go."

We both run. Wednesday holding Thing in her hands, running as fast as our legs could carry us.

Down the stairs, through the Quad, down the yard, out and into the bed shed.
"Fester!" Wednesday yells, pushing through the door.

"Fester! Help! Things not moving! Help!" She shouts, waking him from his sleep.
"He was stabbed."

"Get him on the table!" Her uncle exclaims, quickly moving into action.

I push everything off the table, before Wednesday quickly and softly places him down. Fester rubs his hands together, generating electricity through his fingers.

He places his fingers onto Things palm, as a defibrillator. Things fingers tense from the shock, but doesn't move anymore.
So Fester tries again, his arms shaking from the energy running out of him.
"Oh, come on Thing." He begs, rubbing hands together once more.

Wednesday kneels down beside the table, watching Thing laid dormant on on the surface. For the first time I've ever seen, her eyes are fearful and teary. Her lip quivers as she prays for his life.

I bite my tongue, ignoring the warm tears as the pour out of my eyes.

"He's gone, Wednesday." Fester tells us, with a shaky breath.
"No. He's not." Wednesday pulls the hand closer to her, "Thing, if you can hear me. If you die, I will kill you." She warns.
Wednesday pushes the hand back to Fester, "go again." she demands.

I sigh, "Wedn-"
"I said again!" She yells. Fester looks up at me, shaking his head.
"Please!" she begs.

Fester complies, and shocks the hand again. Receiving no reaction. So he tries once more.

Things point finger slowly starts moving, the others quickly following behind.
Wednesday let's out shuttered gasps, as he starts sitting up.

"For a minute, we thought you picked your last lock, buddy." Fester exclaims.

"Who did this to you?" Wednesday asks, leaning closer to the bloody hand.
Thing slowly signs out an answer.
"Knife from behind the back." Wednesday repeats his words, "Cowards!" she exclaims.
"I promise whoever did this to you will suffer. It will be slow, long, and excruciatingly painful."

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