All AU Wally's 『 Stop bothering me! 』

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"Why are you here, leave."

"I can't help it your door was unlocked, I thought I pay my dearest family member a lill visit."

Mob was standing in a corner, watching them with a dark smile. He looked oddly amused by their annoyed expression.

"I will punt you out of my window."

"Threats like those don't work on me."

Y/n robotically sat up straight, snapping their neck into his direction. "Ha.ha.ha. You have three seconds."

Mob had never seen them like this, his grin only got wider. "I'll be back later apple of my eye~"

He didn't look too scared but made sure to leave in the given time of three seconds.

He better cause you would've released hell on him if he hadn't.



Y/n felt the last bit of their sanity snap as they got awoken again. They've had it!

They stormed down the stairs, ready to chew out Opposite, cause who else could've caused the alarm to go off.

He probably tried to make you breakfast, which as sweet as the gesture was this was not the moment for it.


They stopped shouting, seeing as it wasn't just him but all the AU Wally's where present down stairs. After seeing them arrive they flocked around Y/n wanting their attention.

"Darling~ Don't ignore my calls, it makes me really sad." Lovesick whined, trying to hug them but got his affection got rejected.

"I only just got here after hearing the alarm go off, are you alright?!" Original asked concerned.

"Why won't this stupid thing be silent!" Opposite shouted in frustration as he was poking the alarm machine thingy.

"Can you hurry this up! The sound is dreadful!" Actor shouted at him covering his ears.

"I sense a dreadful aura around you, are you possessed perhaps. I can drive away the demons!" Priest said seriously, a bit too serious.

"Need me to dismantle that alarm for you?" Rainbow asked unbothered, used to loud sounds at the factory.

"You look sick my dear! I can call in a doctor." Royal said in worry.

"Hm-mm you look stressed, I wonder why~" Mob laughed, a bit sadistic.

"We... we didn't mean to wake you up-" Grey was sitting in a corner, clearly very panicked on the edge of tears, he too was having a mental breakdown.




Why was it always your house that got invaded like this?!

Y/n covered their face with their hands, suppressing a cry of agony. To much was going on for them, it was simply to much.

They snatched off the alarm, breaking it just so it would stop making any more noise. The sudden silence was deafening.

"All of you, get out of my house..."

They walked over to Grey, picking him up (he was pretty light and didn't resist it) and patting his head in a soothing way.

"I have a project I need to finish, I was hoping I could a bit of rest before continuing it. Apparently not-"

They continued talking clearly not in a good mood. "I am going back to work now, don't you dare cause me any more trouble."

The puppets shared a look of disappointment but complied, leaving through the front one by one.

The human only tapped two of the bunch on their shoulders, having something to say to them.

"You two can stay if you want, cause you aren't problematic. Maybe you can help me out even?"

Originals expression lit up, trying not to stim. Royal gave them a bow, honered he was allowed to keep them company.

Meanwhile Grey was still in their arms, snuggling up to them. Y/n put on a strained smile, remembering they had a project to finish.

They eventually settled in the living room, with their laptop on their lap.

The trio who stayed behind was quiet and helpful, making coffee and tea, giving advice, proof reading the documents for them.

"Sorry being so angry earlier, I promise when this is all over I make it up to you guys."

You made a mental note to say the same thing to the others you had sent away.

Hopefully those idiots where behaving themselves this time.

"This is so frustrating! Neighbor is letting them stay but not us?!" Opposite frowned, putting Frank Frankly's frown to shame.

"For once I agree with you and that says something." Actor rolled his eyes.

"It really isn't fair, I wanna cuddle and hold onto them too~" Lovesick pouted.

"I understand why you all got rejected but ME? I'm not problematic." Priest objected.

"You are though-" Rainbow glared at him.

"Come on this is nothing, moping around won't help. We deserve their attention, whether they want to give it or not~" Mob spoke up sinisterly.

Seeing as he got everyone's attention, he started explaining his comical evil villain plan.


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Wally Darling AU oneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin