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About marriage matter…nam already fixed marriage to Porsche which is don't like him.. Porsche begged and begged.. But nam stayed on her final decision…Porsche has no choice so he gave up and went silent..Porsche tried his all ways to stop this marriage..but none of them are worked..

All the wedding work is going on fast .. but Porsche is left helpless .. he wanted to spend his life happily but suddenly his Father's death....his mother is blaming Porsche for her husband's death..these things changed Porsche life completely…and now.. The marriage…He tried a lot to cancel the marriage but it was a waste...what else can he do or...he wanted to leave the house and ran away somewhere else peaceful…

2 days before marriage..

One night…

Porsche packed his bags and jumped out of his bedroom window and ran away

Porsche: I'm sorry mom.. but I don't want get married now..

Next morning..

The wedding work is almost done..nam was so happy…she went to Porsche room to Call him but he's not here.. She checked in his bathroom he's not there too…she immediately called Porsche but it was switched off…She started getting tensed…she's again'tried to call him but no use…she don't know what to do.. Then she went out for searching for Porsche…

She searched for him all day.. There is no use…she returned home.. The marriage is day after tomorrow.. Porsche is not in home.. She don't know what to do.. She don't want to cancel this marriage.. everything was going opposite to her..

The next morning she waited for Porsche.. But he didn't comeback home so she again go out for searching for him.. and asked the ppl she knows.. But no use.. no one knows where Porsche gone…

On marriage day…

As Porsche has not come home yet, the tension has increased for me.. She don't know what to answer to them…Because of their acceptance of this marriage fix, Nam also agreed to this marriage but now suddenly her son is not seen so the things much has been changed…the marriage was at night…she gave up and called them to come to her home…soon they reached

Man: Ohh nam…why did you called us so sudden? Is there anything you need to tell us?

He asked her and she looking at him with nervous look on her face

Nam: uhh ….y-yeah

Man: what is it then? Tell us fastly.. we have things to do there

Man said in hurry and nam gulped in tension

Nam: it's uhh…m-my son….he r-ran away somewhere

She said with shaky voice…he looked at her with stunned face..

Man: what! Don't make jokes nam this is not time for making jokes

Nam: I'm not joking i-im serious.. Porsche ran away from home


He shouted at her and nam flinched

Nam: i-i don't know..he ran away in night I didn't know that…I searched for him but I didn't find him…

Man: Wait a min…does your son liked this marriage?

Nam: yes–

Man: No no no.. I don't think so .if he like this marriage he won't run away like this…that arranged this marriage for your son forcefully.. What the fuck nam…I thought your son accepted this marriage…WHAT KIND OF MOTHER ARE YOU HUH…trying to ruin your own son's life…. such a waste of money and time to us…goddamn it….look nam don't you dare to do this again I swear to God.. I will beat the shit of you…DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ME?

He shouted at her in anger

Nam: y-y-yeah

Then they left from there…and nam stands there with anger face…she shouted in anger.. frustrations..and started throw things

Nam: HOW DARE YOU PORSCHE…YOU WORTHLESS BOY…you made your mother insulted by someone today…I will not forgive you for what you did to me

Porsche is in Chiang mai and staying in small hotel..and doing some part time job to get some money for live…he knows if he go to home again his mother won't forgive him for ran away from the house…but he's not ready yet to go back to his home…

Time skip to after 10 months

It's been 10 months since Porsche left the house and staying in Chiang Mai…but now he finally decided to go back home.. also he's ready to face his mother..

After 1 day he finally reached his home…before he knocked the door he took a calm deep breaths and knocked the door.. after 3 knocks his mom opened the door..and she was stunned to see porsche..she looking at her son with angry face but…

Porsche just looking at her mother with expressionless face…

Porsche: How are you doing…. Mom?

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