"Oh no, did he file a missing persons report, when did he last see her?" Concern and worry evident in her green eyes

"No, she left twenty one years ago when I was around 8. Haven't seen her since" that uncomfortable feeling is tugging at my chest again, I didnt react when she first left, it wasn't surprising after all he was an asshole "he's only looking for her now, because he needs her signature to sell the house her name was on the deed"

"That must've been hard on you and your dad"

I scoffed in reply "Not for him, he didn't even notice she left until about three months later"

"Im sorry" she replies softly, her green eyes laced with remorse

Turning my head away from her, unable to meet her eyes "Why are you saying sorry, its not your fault" trying to brush off this blasted feeling in my chest

"I know, but you didn't deserve that and I'm sorry you had to go through that all on your own"

Her reply stunned me, there was no hint of sarcasm, fake empathy or lies in the depths of her eyes, she was truly sympathetic and hurt on my behalf

Which sounds ridiculous why would she feel hurt on behalf of me, when it didn't bother me when she left

These weird feelings are confusing so I just shrugged it off, not able to reply

"You know" she starts to say, glancing up at me as if wondering if she should ask, I nod for her to continue "I could help you find her, I have something of a knack for finding people"

"Do you now?" I say amusing at her

Her lips curled into a prideful grin "yes of course, believe it or not this isn't the first time I had to find someone"

"Do I really want to know who you've tried to find" I asked humorously

"You think Im joking don't you?" She asks as she tried to glare but failed to keep it before she broke out in another smile

"Please do enlighten me" gesture my hand waving it out in front of me

"I don't wanna ruin the mood, but before when I was younger my mom also would disappear and I would always have to find her, like hide and seek but as I got older the places she would hide would be farther and farther away" she said so with a smile and yet their was a pain in her eyes

"I didnt know, I thought you guys had a close relationship since you mentioned she always took you to the park" my voice wavered as I spoke softly I didn't realize she had to deal with a similar circumstance

"She had her moments, and did the best she could and eventually grew as a person and realized her mistake I forgave her" she says all to quickly defending her mother, and yet I couldn't help but get angry thinking about someone leaving her all alone, not knowing if that someone would come back for her, did she go hungry and even more how did she eventually forgive them

I scoffed out unintentionally "you are too kind for your own good, weren't you angry"

A sad smile reaches her eyes "actually I was sad, but if you dwell too much on the pain you miss out on the happiness one could experience"

"I never thought about it like that" I say honestly, more to myself without realizing, it amazed me how this girl's perspective and mindset was so different from mine

It made me curious what else is hidden in her mind

"Well looks like we are here, I need to hurry in and feed (i forgot her cats name so I will name it lilac) lilac"

"Lilac?" I asked

"My cat" her eyes instantly lightening up "would you like to meet her?" She was practically bouncing up and down, excited to introduced me to a cat an animal, she seemed to loved this cat, something about that irked me maybe its because im allergic to

"Thank but its getting late and-" before I could finish her eyes instantly saddened as her lips formed a small pout my eyes glanced entranced I wonder-

I stopped my thoughts before they could wonder "And i didnt bring any treats for her I would bad meeting your cat without having a treat to give her" I say quickly hoping to ease her disappointment I shouldve just said I was allergic to cats, but I didnt like seeing her look so sad

"Its a promise okay" she raised her fist out, her pinky sticking out

i couldn't help but laugh at the gesture, no matter how childish it seemed I didnt mind, I wrapped my pinky around hers as they touched I couldn't help but feel the contact being inadequate and greedy to feel more of her



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