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I love my family

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I love my family. And that's exactly why I can't understand why I'm doing this. But I do want to keep her safe and she'll never be safe in a life like this.

I have to keep telling myself that. This is for her. She would never survive in a place like this. I can already tell, she's much more delicate than her older brothers, they were destructive and loud even as babies.

That's why I'm leaving.

I want her to have a normal life away from the mafia. I have to get as far away as possible which is why I'm driving to the airport.

Just in case they find put we left before morning I booked the flight in Economy under different names for each of us. I'm almost there and I can do this.

I hope.

So far so good. I'm on the flight and we're on the way to Arizona. It's the complete other side of the country from New York.

I would have left the country but they would expect that, which is why I decided to hide right under there noses. I already have a car rented for when I get there and I'll just stay in hotels until I can figure everything else out.

I was spaced out thinking about everything I have to do once I get there until a man spoke to me.

"Excuse me ma'am?" He spoke.


"Is anyone sutting here? I'm sorry my seat is quite crowded. " He asked, and this was when I first looked over at him. I went pale.

"Oh! I um... no no one's sitting here go ahead." I said with a smile.

He was wearing a suit and had a thick Russian accent. I can only pray that he doesn't work for the Petrovs. And if he does.. I've just got to play it cool and pretend to be a everyday mother on a fight.

They had announced that there was only about 30 minutes left on the flight and I sighed a breath of relief.

"Flights not your thing?" The man next to me said in an amusing tone.

"No not really, I hate landings. I'm just grateful that she hasn't made too much noise during the flight." I replied.

"Well Mrs. Ambrosi I've heard that you like to fly quite a lot." He said without even looking at me.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry but I don't think you've got the right person." I said as calmly as I could.

"Oh sweetheart no need to hide from me I already know it's you." He said smirking at me.
"Now when this plane lands you are going to come with me without saying a word. Unless you want your baby taken from you" He spoke lowly in my ear.

My eyes widen. I can't believe this is happening I only just left.

"Ok" I whispered defeated. There was no way I could get out of this. He had to be working for the Petrovs, or even worse.. one of them.

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