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"You got this stupid look on your face Like a spider being attacked by a water gun!"

I cross my arms and give him an unimpressed look. "What does that eve- SECURITYY!" I scream not even trying to reason with the furry little devil. Grim's widened and he launched himself towards me, latching onto my leg.

"Hey! Human don't even try it, I need to be at this school!" His claws were seeping beneath my dress and into my leg.

"Okayokayokay!" I pull Grim off my leg and hold him up. His shoulders coming up to his cheeks from me holding him up by underarms. He put his arms up and smiled, slowly slipping out of my grip and grinning in victory.

His smile is caught off when something drips on him, letting his ear flame flicker for a little bit. I look up and see a hole in the ceiling, not huge but big enough for some rain to get through. He yelped out, "So cold! The roof is leaking!" I roll my eyes before putting my hand on my hips.

"Thank you for saying that Mr. Obvious, help me find a bucket for it," I say.

Grim gave a mischievous smirk before saying, "Fine, but you better get a can of tuna ready before I do any work." I glance at him and frown.

"Or I could just kick you out and then you won't have to do any work," I threaten with a tight smile. Grim's widen and he runs up the stairs before stopping at the top of the staircase.

"Well, what're you waiting for human? We got some work to do!" He runs up the stairs which leaves me to chuckle at his actions. Maybe I could get along with him, just maybe.

Upstairs was a completely different look than downstairs. It was cold, dark, and well even more run down. The cold must have been affecting me heavily because every second I was shaking and shivering. My hands rubbed my arms as I looked around.

A loud creak comes from behind me and I swish my head around to be met with nothing.

"You hear something, Grim?" I ask him to confirm that noise. I did not like this at all. Grim only purred and looked back, "Are ya' scared, human?"

I glare at him before turning around warily. Three ghostly apparitions manifested themselves in front of me. I shriek and fall backwards, tripping on Grim's tail and tumbling to the floor. "Ghost!" Grim flipped around and I could see his soul leave his body.

One of the ghosts, the shorter one, started giggling at us. "We haven't had a guest in so long..." He chuckles out, looking at me and Grim who were terrified beyond belief.

"I'm itching for some action.." The plumper one said, letting a bone-chilling smile creep on his face before letting out a blood-curdling laugh. My mouth opens but quickly closes, this has to be the work of the shadow man.

Grim was the first to say anything, "GYAHHH, GHOSTTSSS!" I stood to my feet and backed to a wall, leaving Grim closer to the ghosts in case they decided to take the one closest.

The shorter ghost said, "The people living here got scared of us and left!"

"We've been looking for more ghost pals, how about you guys?" The bigger ghosts said sinisterly. My eyes widened and I snatched up Grim, holding him out like a weapon. He shivered in my grasp and tried to get farther away from the ghosts, which were inching forward.

"The Great Grim isn't scared of some ghosts!" Grim let out a burst of flames, much like the ones at the ceremony. The ghosts easily dodged and popped up right next to us. In a panic, I dropped Grim on the floor and exclaimed in fear.

The thinner ghost seemed to find this amusing and taunted Grim, "Where were you aiming?" The bigger ghost laughed at the thinner one's taunts and floated near Grim. The bigger ghost waved his arms around and made silly faces to make Grim angrier.

Despite Grim's efforts to hit the ghosts with his fire, they disappeared before he could reach them. He exclaimed in irritation and yelled out to the ghosts, "Shoot! Stop disappearing!" He blew another flame at the bigger ghost and managed to hit its arm.

"Ouch! So hot," He patted his arm before disappearing.

I looked at Grim to see why that hit landed but the other ones didn't. He blew another at the shorter one with his eyes closed! That's what the problem was.

"Are you closing your eyes when you're trying to hit them?"

"Shut up! Don't try to tell me what to do!" He says, not bothering to face me and keeping his attention on the ghost. I frown and grab an old plate that was just laying on the floor, and throw it at the ghost who he was struggling to hit.

"If you open your eyes and listen to me, maybe I'll give you a can of tuna," I say when he turns around bewildered. He calms down and gives another mischievous smirk at me.

"Fine! But I'm only doing it for the tuna." He says before hitting another ghost right in the stomach.

The ghosts started to realize that he was on a streak of being able to hit them and started to materialize together. They surrounded me and Grim, chuckling when he exclaimed in fear.

"Whatta bunch of cowards! Ganging up on us like this." He says before aiming at another ghost, they started to appear faster than before. Shouting and making random noises to spook us. They were being hit with less fire though.

I looked to see Grim with his eyes closed again.

"Hey you, tell me where the ghosts are!"

"You got it, fur devil!"

I don't know what to put here so...

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