II. The Villian's World

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"For me. For them. For you. We are all running out of time. No matter what, never let go of my hand."

It's dark. I'm trapped. I knew I should have never made a deal with the shadow man. I'm so stupid. This is what I get for wishing upon a star, going to someone else to fix my problems, not listening to Daddy's advice.

My clothes were replaced by dark robes but I could still feel the dress Lottie gave me under it, I could also feel the white heels on my feet too.

I knew not to make a deal with the shadow man, but that's the thing about him. He somehow knew exactly what I wanted, and he played to my weaknesses. My train of thought was thrown off track by scratching sounds.

My eyes widen and brace myself, it was probably his shadow demons coming to finish me off. Or should I say more accurately, his friends from the other side?

"Crap. People are coming...gotta get a uniform!" I hear a small slightly annoying voice start to speak. About a uniform? Was one of the shadow man's "friends" trying to get a uniform from my...casket?

I'm sorry Pa...it seems we'll never be able to get that restaurant we always talked about. Folks won't come from miles to try our food, we-

"Grrr! The lid is too heavy!" The voice speaks again. I try to raise my head but end up getting a sharp pain in the back of it. I let out a sharp gasp and laid back down. Once whoever's out there takes off the lid, I'll get out of there. As fast as I can.

"Time for my secret move!" The person says before I hear small sounds of footsteps become faint. Then I hear a crackle, like flames, start to become louder. My eyebrow raises as I try to sink deeper into the casket to stay safe. If this person's secret move was to burn the lid off my casket then I should try to get far away from it.

There are some sounds of struggle until the figure shouts. The lid is blown off with blue fire. I'm met with a purple roof and blue fire coming from my side which makes me scream and sit up. My eyes widen as I see a furry, short, blue-eyed..monster?

"Whhaaaaaaaa?!" The monster starts screaming which makes me scooch back and fall out of the coffin.

I start to scream with it and slowly step backwards which causes me to into a table behind me.

My screams come to a stop. I see decorative vases and books on the table, my eyes running between the monster and the vase. "There ain't no way this is happening.." I'm sure of it, I'm losing it.

I grab a book when it steps forward toward me. I throw one of the books at it which it dodges with another scream.

"Ay! Human stob it-!" I cut it off by throwing the fancy vase which scatters glass everywhere. "What are you?" I shout and question at the same time.

"A talkin' raccoon? A cat?" I don't even think about letting the furry monster speak. It tries to get closer but I grab a book and raise it which makes it flinch. The monster must've realized it flinched because it snarled at me.

"Who ya' callin' a raccoon? I'm the Great Grim!" It exclaims with a paw to its chest.

"You-" The monster launches itself at me which makes me shriek in terror and run off, pushing past a door. I gaped in amazement once I took how big the castle was. Lottie's mansion was in no way to be compared to it.

Blue flames catch up to me and I let out a shriek before running faster. These heels were killing my feet but I had to run. "Stop running human! I'll toast ya'" Grim said.

"Why would I stop running if you'll supposedly toast me?" I say, not caring to stop to talk.

I felt like I made my way throughout the entire campus which I've deducted from my entire tour/run from Grim, the furry raccoon. I ended up in the ginormous library before running head-first into someone's chest. I got knocked from the hit and fell on my tush. I let out a small wince and looked up to see a tall man.

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