Chapter 8: Insanity.

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"It's just a wipe to clean up the blood." I told him.

I brought it to his face again and gently began cleaning up the blood.

"I'm sorry for leaving you here, George. I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't think he would come so soon." I said.

I cleaned the last bit of blood off his face. I threw the wipe away, and he grabbed my arm. I turned back around to look at him, and he grabbed my hand. I intertwined our fingers.

"I'm gonna go get you pain medication, then let you rest while I deal with him." I told him.

"Are you going to kill him?" George asked quietly.

"Yes." I replied.

He nodded, and I got off the bed. I left my room and went down the hall. The man was tied up on the ground, severely beaten. I saw Karl holding ice to Sapnap's knuckles. I went to the kitchen and opened the drawer.

"Is George okay?" Karl asked.

I got out the pain meds and a glass.

"He's talking and conscious. I don't know if anything is broken yet. We can have Niki come over tomorrow." I replied.

I began filling the glass with water.

"I'll come deal with him in a minute after George falls asleep." I said.

I walked back down the hall and into my room. George had tears running down his face. I quickly went over and sat by him on the bed. I set the pills and glass down on the nightstand.

"Everything hurts so bad." He mumbled.

I carefully helped him sit up. He leaned against me and cried. I wrapped a gentle arm around his waist.

"Is this the worst he's done?" I asked.

George shook his head. How could he have been beaten worse than this? This is fucking horrible.

"I'm so sorry, George." I mumbled.

I gently kissed the top of his head and held him close to me.

"Take the pain meds, and I'll stay with you until you fall asleep." I told him.

He nodded and pulled away from me. I handed him the pills and glass of water. He took the pills and drank some of the water. He gave it back to me, and I set it on the desk. I laid down and pulled him with me. He laid on his stomach in between my legs with his head resting on my chest. I placed a careful hand on his back, and he shut his eyes.

"I'm sorry for not being here." I apologized.

"Stop apologizing." He mumbled.

I carefully ran my hand up and down his back.

"I told you I wouldn't let him hurt you, and he did." I replied.

"Not your fault." He said tiredly.

I sighed and stayed quiet. 15 minutes later, he was asleep. I slowly placed him onto my bed and stood. I smiled. He's so cute when he sleeps. I grabbed my phone and took a picture before leaving the room. I went down the hallway and into the living room. The man was now tied to a chair. He glared at me when I walked into the room.

"So you're the one he's been fucking around with?" The man asked.

"Woah, slow your roll, buddy. Let's get to know each other first. Shall we?" I asked.

"No. Give me George, and I'll leave." He stated.

"I'm afraid that's not gonna happen. Did you not notice the marks on his neck? He's mine now, and there's nothing you're going to do about it." I said.

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