Prologue ~~ may/august 1998

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The war separated couples, but it also brought new ones together. One couple was Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. They had loved each other for years, but those feelings had been buried deep within to save the world with their friend Harry Potter. It hurt them greatly to promise each other that, for the sake of the world, they would save Harry over each other. Luckily it didn't come to that, but the war wasn't over yet. Anything could happen.

Now as Ron watched Hermione, along with Ginny and Luna, fight with Bellatrix, he was more aware of that then ever before. He watched as his sister, the odd but lovable blonde, and his girlfriend fought the evil witch. His girlfriend...he loved the sound of that, but was that what they were? They had only had their first kiss in the chamber of secrets a half hour ago. And their second had been just minutes after that, outside the Room of Requirement.

He watched as his mother, Molly Weasley, pushed the three out of the way and to kill Bellatrix herself. He waved to the brunette and she ran over to him, hexing people as she ran. They battled next to each other, holding hands in the middle.

After the war:

Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley were sitting on a bench in the Great Hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ron was sobbing loudly into Hermione's hair. She hugged him as silent tears rolled down her face. Ron didn't cry much, but when he did, they were gut wrenching sobs, or happy tears, that meant something. He cried when he saw the horcrux Hermione kissing horcrux Harry. He cried when Dumbledore died. He cried when he kissed Hermione for the first time. And he was crying now.

But now, the rest of the reasons paled in comparison with what had happened. Fred was dead.

She stood up slowly and led him outside, to get some fresh air. They walked down to the forbidden forest and sat there. They were still crying, but now they were talking too.



"I love you..." She was in shock. They had kissed twice and he loved her. Not that she didn't love him, but it was crazy. They had liked each other since they were thirteen at least and they had just admitted their feelings, at eighteen.

"I love you too," She whispered before kissing him again. They moved to a grassy meadow and laid down, holding hands, and talking before eventually falling asleep. The only reason they could do that was because everything was fine. Voldemort was dead. They were safe.

In the days following the war, the Weasley family was devastated. They were happy that Voldemort and his followers were gone but Fred. Fred had died. The Weasley brothers were now only five, the Weasley siblings were now only six, and the original Weasley family was now only eight.

But there were happy things that happened too. There was lots of death in the war, but there was also more love than ever before.

Fleur and Bill were happy, they healed each other. Charlie was back in Romania after the funeral, distracting himself with his dragons. Percy had quit his ministry job and was now working as a lawyer, in both the magic and muggle world. George took much longer than anyone else, but eventually he too found Angelina Johnson. Ron and Hermione were now girlfriend and boyfriend. Harry and Ginny were also dating again. Even Molly and Arthur were slowly adjusting to the fact that their son was gone.

Time skip: August 31, 1998

It was the day before Hermione and Ginny left to complete their education at Hogwarts.

Ron took Hermione out to lunch and then to the small apartment he and Harry were renting, across the street from the ministry. Inside she found a pensieve. She dove into it when he told her to and watched as the memories swirled around, through Ron's eyes.

She watched them meet for the first time, on the train, almost exactly seven years ago.

She watched as he left her flowers while she was petrified. She watched as Ron was about to hug her after everything but they shook hands instead. They had felt it, even then.

She watched them fight over their pets and eventually stop and be best friends again. She watched her hug Ron when they thought buckbeak died, and him hug her back. They knew it then.

She watched him be jealous over Viktor Krum. And him trying to ask her to the dance a long time before but never finding the courage. Ron didn't know this but Hermione had only waited for so long because she wanted Ron to ask her. They knew it then.

She watched as he flew backwards during their D.A. lesson when she stunned him, and then say he let her do it. They were both in love, hiding it for Harry's sake.

She watched as Ron kissed Lavender after seeing Cormac flirting with her. She watched both of them be jealous of the other, both so in love but not wanting to risk it. She watched as he said her name while poisoned.

She watched all of their favorite memories together. Then she was thrown out of the bowl and turned around to face Ron, only to see him kneeling on the floor.

"Hermione, we met almost exactly seven years ago. I think somewhere, deep down, we loved each other since then. But that doesn't matter, all that does is that we love each other now, more than anything. Will you marry me?" She was nodding, smiling, and crying at the same time. He pulled out a box and opened it to show a beautiful ring, "It's engraved...I think you'll like it!"

She smiled and looked at the inside, and burst out laughing. A few minutes later, she calmed down and read the message aloud, "1 teaspoon of emotions, if found please return to owner: Hermione Jean Granger, Ron...this!"

She let him slide the ring onto her finger before jumping onto him, hugging and kissing at the same time. He staggered backward and fell onto the couch where they lay, kissing, until Harry came in through the door.

"Ummm...Ron? Sorry to bother you two but the minister needs the pensieve for something..."

Ron pulled away from where he was, laying on his fiancée, "Damnit Harry! I thought you owned it!"

The other man shook his head as Hermione pushed Ron off her and sat up.

"Harry! Did you know?"

"Know? Know about what?" He had been told to act clueless by Ron if Hermione asked him, not that it was too hard.

"Never mind then, I should go pack..."

"Yeah, wait. Did you do it Ron?"

"Yes, she burst out laughing at the inscription..."

"You said no?!" Harry turned to the woman who just smiled and waved her ringed hand in his face, "What're you thinking Ron, a summer wedding?"

"I need to pack Mione," He pecked his fiancée's lips as she smiled, hugged Harry, and disapparated.

They were engaged!

Prologue is done!!! This is the first story in the series, but I'm not sure what I should do so let me know:

1. Finish this whole story and then do 2, then 3, and so on
2. Do the prologue of this then prologue of 2, then 3, and so on
3. I do this story up until where the prologue of 2 (Hinny) is then do that and slowly weave them together

Next up...

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