Adrift at Sea

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After the final preparations, You, Ochette and Akalā were on your way through the forest to the Toto'haha Anchorage as the sun was reaching it's highest point in the sky. As you were walking, you thought of an idea to pass the time. "Hey, Ochette." You said, catching the beastling's attention, "Would you mind telling me a little bit about yourself? I didn't get that much time to get to know you back during that whole...thing." Ochette put her hand to her chin as she said, "Well... not only am I a rather skilled hunter, I also tame beasts to use in battle, or prepare them to make delicious foods. What about you?"

You thought about it for a second before explaining, "I... don't know. For some reason, I can't remember anything before I woke up with you in my face. All I have as clues are the items in my bag. Which isn't much, mind you." Ochette hummed before saying, "Hey, maybe when we get to the main land, we can maybe find someone who might know you." You nodded as you said, "Thanks, Ochette."

It took about another fifteen minutes before the three of you arrived at a bay with a rather large ship docked at port. You walked up to the man standing by the ship and introduced yourself and Ochette. The man looked the two of you up and down before saying, "Alright. That'll be a thousand leaves." You began to get nervous as these leaves didn't sound recognizable to you other than the ones on the trees. Then Ochette pulled out a bag full of what sounded like coins and asked, "Oh, are these what you mean?" The man nodded and took the bag before taking some what now revealed themselves to be silver coins out of the bag before letting the two of you on the ship.

Soon after you boarded, the ship left port in the direction of what one of the crew called 'Canalbrine'. After what felt like several days at sea, even though it was only about a days trip to Canalbrine, you decided to show Ochette some of the drawings you'd made of her, Akalā and Juvah before leaving Toto'haha. "You know." Ochette said as she sat cross-legged next to you, "You're a really good artist!" You scratched the back of your head nervously as you said, "Oh, I don't know. I'm probably considered an amuture by other people's standards.

Akalā began to make various yip sounds that sounded assuring to you, but you couldn't really tell. Ochette giggled at your confused expression and said, "Akalā thinks your art is really impressive as well." You let out a chuckle as you were about to thank Akalā, but you were interrupted by one of the crew who appeared to be slaking off shout, "Look, over there! There's someone on that skiff!" This caught the attention of almost everyone aboard as they got up and looked out to see a small boat with someone riding inside of it.

Soon after the man had spotted the person, they'd managed to get the woman who was aboard the skiff onto the ship. While one man took the satchel that was on her possession, along with the small axe she carried. The woman in question appeared to be roughly in her thirties with blonde hair tied into a bun on the back, she also wore a white and blue outfit that reminded you of nurses. Then as you and Ochette were looking over her with the captain and a few of the crew, she opened her eyes and asked in an incredibly dry voice, "Am I...on a ship?"

The captain then said, "Finally come to, have you? Feeling better yet? You've got the luck o' the tides, y'know." The woman sat up as she tried to take deep breaths, almost as she was trying to stand. The captain then pulled her up by her hand and handed her a bottle of water, saying, "Easy now, lass. You've had a rough time o' it. Drink up." As the woman took a sip, she then said with a less dry voice, "Thank you...for saving me."

"Well I don't think any sane person could just leave someone to the sea. How did you end up on that little boat, anyhow?" You said as you stepped forward. She then closed her eyes as she asked, "Boat...?" Before she shook her head and said, "I don't know. I can't remember." The captain then stepped closer as he crossed his arms and said, "C'mon now, this isn't the time for jokes." The woman pulled her head down as she apologized, "I'm sorry, but I really can't remember anything. Who I am, where I came from... It's all a blank." That caught your attention as you looked to the woman, getting a sense of relatability, not being able to remember much yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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