Take My Hand

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"So..How do you know my mom!"

"You have nice eyes"

"Hmm...Yes I do...they are very different. I always wondered who I got them from"

"In The Obelia Empire...those eyes are very special"

"They are?"

Claude has a feeling Cale has yet to actually realize he has the same eyes

"Yup....its a symbol and only two known people have them"


"The Princess of the Obelia Kingdom"

"The Emperor"

"Oh...I heard about them from mother"

"Yes I assume so"

Cale was confused at his answer and looked at him

He caught his breath

Claude was looking at Jours grave

And Cale could finally see

The Opal eyes


"Claude De Alger Obelia"

"Why is an emperor visiting my mother!"

"I wasn't"

"I don't understand" Cale eas confused if the emperor was not visiting his Mom why else would he be here...he obviously knew His mother

"I was visiting my child"

"Your child?"


"But The Princess isn't here"

"Yes but you are"

Cale brain loaded the information

"...But You...not...you...are?"

"Yes Im your father"


"When your mothet got pregnant. I was broken and wounded I could not accept it....I could not accept love"


"Your Half-Sister Mother Diane taught me it"


"I wanted to find you sooner but then despair took me as Diane passed away...and I wallowed away"

"...Like F...The Count"

"Yes...But you see My daughter never met her mother....yet she brought me out of my despair with her smiles and laughter that were so insistent"

"Didn't she remind you of Diane"

"Very Much...but I loved that about her...she was the thing I had left of my wife...she was not her...she was Athanasia.....our lovely daughter"

"I see..."

"And i unfortunetly would have left you here in this place if not for Athanasia. Who wondered why she does not have a sibling unlike other nobles..and then somehow figured out. She had an older sibling"

"She...Shes a handful isn't she?"

"If you give her sweets shes not"

"If you give me sweets i'll be good as well"

"I could guess"

"So...Why are you here"

"Lets make a deal "

"A deal"

"For one year...come with me for one year...if you aren't happy you may return"


"Because Your My child...and A child...especially mine deserves to be happy"


"Hey...Technically your an unofficial Prince...so be selfish you have an empire at your feet! Or atleast me and Athanasia"



"Okay...I"ll come with you"

"Great So today...Is the day...your now officially Cale de Alger Obelia Im your father you have a younger sister named Athanasia and as of now...I am kidnapping you"

Claude stook out his hand

And Cale took it

That was the day

Cale henituse

Went Missing

And the emperor found his missing son

And the Princess found her missing brother

And the empire gained a future crown prince


Yeah its short

Leave me alone

Im.hating life atm



Just Claude being mentally stable

Fun Fact.....He never did Black Magic

Another fact

Athanasia is very smart.
As a five year old...and she is lovely princess Athy

Another fun Fact

This Cale...is Kim Rok Soo
Who life combined with Cale
And then his brain now thinks like an eight year old!
So he like knows things
But mostly like
Hmm...Okay Gonna ignore that until someone brings it up

Spoiler....He gonna be known as a Seer


Idk my future mind

Yes Im making this longer on purpose

Its 400 words the actual story

But this will be 600 words Right Now!

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