King von|fuck yo man

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"Yo ass need to leave that nigga you got" von said as he was looking at me thru the mirror as i was doing my hair "boy i am not leaving him and why you so worried about him for" i said mugging him.

"Im just not feeling that nigga lil folks"he said.he was talking about my boyfriend we been together for literally a month and von already dont like him like he said theres something up with him and the way he move "von just trust me on this one just let me do my thing" he just looked at me like i was slow asf we just sat there and just looked at each other until i heard and knock at the door "von i hope you know im about to go on a date with him right" he just nodded his head i went down stairs and opened the door.

(Yall can imagine the outft)

"Damn you look good mama" jay said coming in as i moved to the side "who da jay side" kind mugging von "thats my friend" i said looking at von i went into the kitchen and von followed and put his hands around me kissing my neck while jay was literally right there "von stopppp"i said pushing him "yo wtf is this nigga get off my girl" he said stepping up to von and i moved because any nigga that step up to him was gonna die i just knew by the look on his face he wanted to shot him in the face and von just punched him in the face and i just stood there in shock and his shit was just linking on the floor and he just walked out and l lowkey think its over well i don't even think at this point i know because von literally yelled out the door its over and to block me "so you wanna watch a movie" he said turning around to me  "clean that shit off my floor and i just go ready for nothing" i said going upstairs mad

I took my makeup off and went to go change my clothes and when i came back von was already in my bed and watching a movie "come lay down ma" he said opening the covers and I lowkey wanted to and didn't fight it because i kind lowkey rather be with von anyways i layed down on top of him "ma from here on out you mine you gonna have to be killed to leave this bitch" and said grabbing my face making me look at him and kissing my lips and all I could do was blush and nodded at him "words ma you know this aint yo first time ma" he said "yea baby I understand you"

I started to get sleepy and von could tell

"Goodnight fat ma"

"Goodnight daddy"

He slapped my ass hard asf "you gone get yo self hurt talking like that" i just shrugged and laughed closing my eyes because a bitch was tired.

rapper imagines 🍃Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang