i want to share my hapiness,

102 11 9

the year after

we're in the same class again. there's this new boy. you guys seem really close. he doesn't seem to like me. does he know about me ?

about the feelings you admitted you held for me ?

this is so weird.

we're close again though. a part of me is happy about that. the other part isn't. i leave a post it note in your bag, because i'm sick of the games.

it reads,

go out with me ?
yes or yes

you think it's some joke at first.

so i leave more, just with the yes or yes option.

you don't think much about it.

not like you ever think anyways.

but i'm tired of chasing you around with pink post it notes you think are made by your friends.

so when i ask you for your history book to copy the answers, i leave a post it note in it, identical to the ones before. 'thank you ! :)' it says. i leave the book on your desk.

the next period, you sit next to me. you're in desbelief. you rant about how you didn't expect it to be me, yet you seem glad it is.

"what was the question again?" you ask, and i can't help but feel embarrassed. i can't just tell you, not when you're this close to me and whispering into my ear.

so i take another one out, and write

'go out with me in october so i can post tiktoks
yes or yes'

and you laugh. you laugh and take it and say you'll consider it.

you never did.

when i asked you about it two weeks later, you reply idk by text.

i'm pathetic, aren't i ?

i don't really know
why i'm still hoping

TALK ABOUT IT.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz