i want to come home to.

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december still of that year.

we started talking online recently- it's mostly you starting conversations and me carrying them.

we play truth or dare, you share your playlist, i share some trauma.

but then you tell me that you're drunk.

of course. you would never text me sober.

'we should hang out more' you say, but you're still drunk and not thinking straight.
but drunk words are sober thoughts, aren't they ?

the next day, you delete half of your messages. even the one where you tell me how much you appreciate me. you shouldn't have. it made me feel special.

we talk almost everyday, until you ghost me.

i try confessing, but you leave me on delivered. why do you keep watching my stories ?

i confess on my close friend story, how pathetic. it's supposed to be made for only you to see it- so why do you have to send it to all your friends ?

you don't reply. i have to post another one begging you to say something for you to answer. 'ok' is all you say.

i cut my hair after that.

the rest of the year is a blur. that's a lie actually, i remember every single word you said to me and every thing you did. i just don't feel like thinking about it.

i don't feel like thinking about you, but i always do. it's odd.

i wonder what i look like in your eyes.

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