𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆

Start from the beginning

Someone called out her name from behind and the sound of a bag dropping followed. Elena found herself trapped tightly between the arms of the blonde haired girl. Orion Malfoy, Abraxas' younger sister, was adamant on not letting her go.

"Oh, I've missed you so much," she squeezed her further, if that was even possible.

Elena struggled to untangle herself, "You know I'm not a hugger." Orion finally let her go. "But I've missed you too," she said with a warm smile.

She then turned to Abraxas, with the same smile on her face. He was the brother she never had, she wouldn't have survived her first year without him. "Hello to you too, Abraxas."

He scoffed trying to hide his smile and rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's go or we'll have to sit with some first year."

Abraxas hurried away, leaving the girls behind. "Aren't you going to wait for Tom?" Elena shouted after him.

"Well, I believe he can find his way around here."

Now the only thing standing between her and the magical world she so longed for was the wall between platforms 9 and 10. She would never get used to it, she loved closing her eyes then opening them to a dream.

First the two Malfoys ran to the wall, then Elena followed them. She smiled as she opened her eyes to the red steam. She didn't feel the absence of a parent anymore, her first two years the Malfoys were there but then they stuck to just dropping them off at the station. Elena felt like they wanted to see her as little as possible but she had spent every break, apart from summer holidays at the Malfoy Manor for the last four years per Abraxas and Orion's request.

"Isn't Riddle coming?" Orion asked once they were on the train. Abraxas looked at Elena expecting an answer.

"How am I supposed to know?" Elena scoffed, "It's not like he cares what I do at all, why should I?"

"I just don't get why you two come here separately." Abraxas shrugged. He slid open a door and let the girls in.

"I don't get why we shouldn't." said Elena, "Anyways, Orion... How was your holiday?"

"It's always the same," she pouted. "Mom and dad never let me leave the house-"

Abraxas cut in, "It's cause you wander around in the woods-"

"I don't."

"Even I know you do." Tom Riddle appeared at the door. Suddenly everyone sat straighter, their smiles faded ever so slightly. Tom sat down next to Abraxas, ignoring or flat out not noticing their change in behaviour. Everyone waited for him to take out his book but he didn't. He sat staring at Elena like he was trying to figure something out, a curious glimmer in his eyes.

"So, how was your holiday?" Orion asked Elena, trying to lighten the mood.

"Nothing much," she shrugged.

"Nothing much? Please, there was a murder at the orphanage." Tom cut in, Elena held her breath.

"It wasn't murder... He had a heart attack."

"A man in his forties mysteriously dies in the middle of the night in the garden," he leaned forward, eyes locked in Elena's. "There is no proof of murder, none at all. The perfect crime the muggles would call it, the killing curse." 

"Interesting theory," it was definitely his thoughts she had heard back at the orphanage, "Do you have any proof?"

Tom shrugged, "I don't need proof. That was an awful man, he deserved what he got."

After a long silence of Elena and Tom staring at each other Orion reached into her bag and took out Chocolate Frogs, handing them out. "I hate when you all get like this, come on there's still a long way to school. Eat."

Tom took the piece of chocolate rather jollily and brought it firmly to his mouth. His relaxedness was in stark contrast with Elena, whose mind was all over the place as she did little to stop the frog from jumping on the window.

"Oh, look how you ruined it!" said Orion grabbing the frog and putting it back in the box. "Anyways, I heard you two are the Prefects this year. Congrats!"

Abraxas shifted in his seat, "What's it like being Dippet's favourite, Riddle?"

"I have yet to test its limits," Tom said, "He's not going to be the principal in a few years is all I know. Dumbledore is in the talks to replace him."

"Does it matter?" Orion asked.

Elena shrugged, "Well, Dumbledore is the only professor not enchanted by his charisma."

"So you find me charismatic," Tom raised a brow.

"I admit you have the talent of persuasion bestowed upon you."

"Just stop it," Abraxas cut in.

Tom shot one sly glance at Elena and turned to his bag. Elena took notice of the book he was reading. It wasn't a muggle book he stole from the orphanage, it was a magical one. Secrets of the Darkest Art it read.

Elena sighed, "This is going to be one long ride."

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