Idia x gender neutral reader comfort <3

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There's an infamous housewarden at Night Raven Academy, famous for being a shut-in. Despite him being at the head of one of the dorms, he very rarely attends any dorm meetings. Instead he chooses to present himself as a floating Ipad. There wasn't much of a problem with this arrangement, it's just that showing his face at the meetings would give him a lot more credibility, more rumors suggest he's a huge nerd and gamer. Again, not a big problem at all in fact, it's kinda cute. In reality, most of those allegations are true, he's a huge gamer nerd who never leaves his room. But in addition to that, he's a genius when it comes to technology, he just much prefers to stay in with his brother and play video games all day. Some might find this unappealing or gross, and it just might be, but you... you see him differently.

He is Idia Shroud, housewarden of Ignyhide. And you and him have been going out for a week and a half now. You, with your eagerness to listen to him talk about his favorite subjects, you with your deep crush on him. After a while, you asked him out and he nervously said yes. You didn;t expect much from the awkward gamer boy, he's doing his best after all. He's awful at making conversation and that's okay. You find him to be the cutest on the planet, hanging out playing video games with ortho and Idia is the best thing in the world, you being a little gamer yourself. Your relationship is official, if anyone asked then you would tell them you're going out, but... nothing's changed since you were friends, after the initial courage of your big crush and asking him out. It was a miracle he said yes but.. You're also an awkward gamer. Now when you hang out, it's just awkward. You've tried to hold his hand, be more affectionate, he never picks up on it! It's understandable. If the roles were reversed, you wouldn't get it either, right? But you still can't muster up the confidence necessary to even kiss him on the cheek. You've wondered "Will our relationship even work out like this?" But really, with Idia it's best to take things slow, it's only been a week and a half after all... But you're just so needy and attention starved at this point, you have to make some sort of move!

Just like always, you go to Idia's dorm room after class to play with him, except you made sure Ortho wasn't there today, usually you two being alone without Ortho wasn't that rare but now that you've started going out, it really is awkward, for you at least. Idia seems to be more blushy as well, his hair turning faintly purple at times while he sets up the game.

As soon as you two sit down to play, you sit right next to him on the couch, deviant from how you usually do it. Your shoulders touch ever so slightly and Idia's hair turns a little pink. You suppose even Idia isn't oblivious to all things romance after all. He turns on the game and you two start playing, though you're anything but focus on the game in front of you right now. Usually at this point, Idia would get pissed at you and yell something like "Start playing for real, you're gonna make us lose!!" But now he stays silent even at your awful gameplay, he has a permanent shade of pink on his paper white skin, and he refuses to look you in the eye or really look at you at all," he must be embarrassed at our proximity" You think to yourself, smiling a little as in contrast, Idia is completely focused on the game, not taking his eyes off however, he's not doing nearly his best either. You both quickly lose the stage and Idia doesn't get mad, he doesn't blame you. He doesn't say anything. He just restarts the level again with only a little "Whoops".

You're already doing your best to flirt with your boyfriend so why won't he even look at you? You pout and continue silently doing the very best you can on the screen in these current circumstances. You just can't bear it any more, you drop your controller. By accident it hits the floor, surely Idia will get mad? No, he looks at your controller on the floor and he doesn't say anything. In a flurry of insanity, you take your hands and grab Idia's face and make it face your own, not too close of course but you get a good look at his adorably embarrassed face, his cheeks painted rose and at your motions, his hair burns pink at the ends. He doesn't even say anything, he looks off to the side, declining eye contact. That doesn't matter, just for a few seconds, you're definitely blushing harder than ever before, but just for a few seconds, you look at his face. Those eyes.

You jump back on your own, both of you imminently cover your red faces with your hands, you really messed up on this huh? You don't care at this point, you're a stuttering mess but, you have to say some words

"W-w-won't you l-look at me?" You say, it probably looks like you're about to cry but that doesn't matter...

"I-If I look at your face, I don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back" Idia says, quietly but clearly. You can't help but start to cry, relief? Sadness? Happiness? You don't even know why, but your body starts moving. You find your way over to Idia and hug him tightly. Squeezing the fear and uncertainty out of your heart, and his. The fiery mane of his burns pink almost completely at this point and his face is a similar color but you just keep hugging him. It's so comforting, he slowly puts his arms around your back as well, deepening the embrace you're sharing. It's so nice... so nice

After a few seconds that felt like hours, you break the silence.

" don't have to hold yourself back around me" You say is quietly, as anything louder would only turn you into a bigger mess. But you basically whispered it into his ear, his hair bursts up, he's also a mess. After your words, it seems he needs a while as well to think of a response so, you both keep hugging, tears flowing out of your eyes slowly. These aren't tears of sadness, anger, or even happiness. These are tears of love, the way your body chose to express your needs for another. This embrace is lovely, it's all you wanted, suddenly, Idia takes your face like you took his previously. He brings your face to his, and, he seems to muster up all he can to give you a little kiss on the cheek. This is more than you ever wanted or expected for him somehow. The comfort of this warmth, his lips pressed delicately on your face...It seems to melt away any uncertainty that your relationship might not last, it melts away the fear of being in your first relationship, it melts away the awkwardness and you two become one, a couple. Maybe not like the others, but you love each other. That much is true.

The end yippee!!

I'm getting out of writer's block I think, so yeah. I just had some inspiration so take IDIA FIC!!

working on that last request I have buit again idfk lol, I love Epel so I will try my best, i'm gonna rewrite it for the 4th time teehee.

Hope you enjoyed this one :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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