Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Actually Bri, this is personal." Dani says, her eyes falling on Maria. "And it seemed important."  Dani gives a meek smile to her wife but Brina can see the concern in her significant others eyes.

"Right, I'll go pop the kettle on." Brina says dumping the last pile of toys in a basket and toddling of to the kitchen.

"I don't know if its witch thing or a Caroarmis thing but poppin' the kettle on seems to be the answer to most things." Dani comments with a shrug. 

Sometimes Maria forgets that Brina's family migrated to Cardina during the blood war. Surprise, surprise, the blood king had a rather violent response when her families coven refused to pledge their allegiance to the Vampires. The Demontes had been trying for a more peaceful approach to dealing with humanity hysterical reaction to the Vampires stepping out from the shadow.

Maria shrugs and watches Brina waddle around the kitchen isle. "How far along is she now?"

"Six months. Everyone keeps saying how they hope we are blessed by two again, but they don't have to get up in the night to two screaming babies. One of which wakes the other up and goes back to sleep while the other one cries and cries and cries." Dani covers her mouth as a yawn escapes, "I swear I haven't got a proper kip since the twins were born and they're three now."

Maria chuckles at her friends joke, more out of a a sense of obligation than it being funny, and looks at the picture of the two little rascals on the wall. Both girls inherited Brina's extremely light blonde hair but one has Dani's blue eyes whilst the other has Brina's green. The mischievous smile on the blue eyed girl paints a good picture of her lively personality and knack for trouble making.

"You know what it is yet?"

"I do - but Brina doesn't." Dani says, "Brina wanted it to be a surprise but me? I-"

"Elle is way too impatient for that!" Brina interrupts whilst setting the three tea's down.

Its yellow. Yellow tea? It has a herby and somewhat lemony smell which may be pleasing to nose but the colour looks like piss in a cup. "Thanks." Maria says.

Dani picks the cup up and takes a sip before hissing and sticking her tongue out "Hot. Hot. Hot."

"You just saw me boil the kettle it was hardly going to be cold now was it." Brina shakes her head at her foolish wife but there is no real harshness to her words. 

"Kiss it better?" Dani suggests whilst leaning forward towards her wife with a silly grin in place.

"Maybe later if you behave." Brina says whilst pushing her wife away. "What was it that has you so concerned you'd come to a witch for help?"

Maria chews at the inside of her lip as her head bobs from side to side as she debates how much she should share with Brina. The witch is her best friends wife but does that mean Maria should blindly trust her? No.

"Sorry, Brina. But I'm going to have to ask you to vow to Gaia that what I tell you won't leave this room." Maria says. Dani nearly spits out her tea and when two unamused eyes land on her Dani plasters on a goofy smile and mumbles 'still hot'.

  Maria understands Dani's reaction. A vow to Gaia is considered sacred to the witches and it is not a vow any self respecting witch would ever willingly break. As an outsider, a none witch, Maria really should not know to get a witch to vow to Gaia but Maria has always been too nosey and too involved in other peoples business not too.

Brina sits. Observes. And then decides.

"Only if what you have to say will not negatively impact my family and my coven or place us in danger. If so then my vow will be voided." Brina says, always one to know a loop hole. Most would vow it without putting terms in place first, at which point it would be too little too late, you cannot add terms to a vow after it has been made.

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