The Mandalorian's Charge

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Glitch rubbed her arms as she looked around the icy planet. "Why couldn't it have been a warmer planet?"

"Then you'd complain it would be too hot and sandy," Mando retorted as he placed the tracking fob back on his waist.

"Well, you're lucky. Your armor regulates a comfortable temperature while I'm stuck with this," Glitch motioned to her long attire.

"Would you rather stay on the ship?" Mando challenged.

Glitch bit back her retort and crossed her arms as she followed after her mentor/guardian.

Mando and Glitch walked into the bar where a couple of men were holding their current bounty.

Once the duo passed over the sensor for the door, it hissed shut.

"You spilled my drink..." A man exclaimed in Huttese.

Mando continued to walk up to the bar.

"Hey, Mando!" The man scoffed as he didn't receive a response.

Glitch got her knife ready as the man stalked over to them.

"I said, you spilled my drink..."

"He says you spilled his drink," The bartender translated. "It's fine. It's on me,"

"Is that real Beskar Steel?"

"Here," The Bartender handed over another drink as the man scratched his own knife against Mando's arm. The Bartender slid the drink over, but Mando grabbed it and fought off the men surrounding him and his ward.

Glitch twirled her knife and threw it as one of the man's goons made a run for the door, causing him to hit the floor just as the door shut, cutting him in half.

The bounty they were after laughed, believing he had been saved. "Thank you! Thank you very much! You have my heartfelt gratitude,"

Glitch rolled her eyes and went over to the body she had just killed and picked up her knife, using her sleeve to wipe away the blood and put it back in its sheathe.

"You know what? Here." The Mythrol slid over some credits. "You take my credits. Buy yourself a drink,"

Mando placed the bounty puck on the table, revealing the Mythrol's face.

"Oh. Is that a bounty puck? Is that me?"

"Well, he's certainly bright," Glitch muttered in Huttese.

"Uh, there must be some mistake. I can get you more credits,"

"I can bring you in warm..." Mando placed a hand on his blaster, "Or I can bring you in cold,"


Mando led the Mythrol across the frozen tundra as Glitch took the rear in case the bounty decided to run.

The group met up with the ferryman, who began speaking in Kubazian.

"I need passage to the yards," Mando proclaimed.

The Ferryman played a note on his flute, and a land speeder arrived with a droid driving it.

"No droids," Mando declined.

The Ferryman spoke again in Kubazian. "I assure you, this speeder is brand new. It's the latest model..."

Mando tossed the Ferryman another credit.

"At your pleasure," The Ferryman said as he played another tune.

The land speeder was replaced by another rustier land speeder with a human pilot.

"Where to?" The driver asked.


"You know what he's looking for?" The Mythrol asked Glitch as they got closer to the ship. "You're looking for Ravinaks, right?"

"It's clear right now," The driver said. "But be careful near the port. Everyone dumps their Gray Holds out. They think the whole entire planet is their own personal stink pit,"

Glitch felt better once they reached the Razor Crest.

"Here you are,"

"You're kidding me, right?" The Mythrol declared.

"The bounty is dead or alive," Glitch reminded as she got out to get the ship ready to go.

"I'll hire us a Livery Cruiser. No big deal. It won't come out of your end. I'll pay for it. I'm just trying to make it pleasant,"

"It'll be pleasant once you stop talking,"

"Hey," the driver exclaimed. "It's time to go, so let's settle up,"

Mando handed over some credits.

"I'd stay off the ice if I were you," The driver said before flying off for the next fare.

"You think there's really something to worry about?" The Mythrol wondered. He watched the ice and watched as the driver was eaten by a Ravinak. "Open the hatch! Open the hatch!"

Mando pulled the Mythrol onto the ship right as a Ravinak burst out of the ice.

"Dank Farrik, that was close!" The Mythrol huffed. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Stay off the ice. That's the understatement of the millennium,"

The creature latched onto the landing gear, causing Glitch to stumble.

"It's taking us down," Glitch exclaimed.

"What're you doing?" The Mythrol wondered as Mando began pressing buttons. "It's got us. It's gonna take us under. Where you going?"

Glitch tossed Mando his gun and moved over to the controls to help get them up in the air once clear of the Ravinak.

"We gotta get out of here!" The Mythrol screamed.

Mando moved to the open hatch and used his weapon to electrocute the Ravinak, causing the creature to release the Razor Crest.

"Let's go. Let's go. Let's go,"

Glitch rolled her eyes as she stabilized the ship. She didn't move until she felt Mando tap her shoulder so he could take over.


"Whew!" The Mythrol sighed once the group was safely in space. "I like your ship. She's a classic,"

"Wasn't he just complaining about it, just a couple parsecs ago," Glitch muttered.

"Razor Crest, am I right? Pre-Empire?"

Mando remained silent.

"I have a lot of credits, by the way. That's why I offered to hail a Cruiser. How much are they paying you? Is it true that you guys never take off your helmets?"

Glitch leaned her head back in annoyance.

"Boy. I think I have to use the vacc tube. I mean, I can do it here, but if you've never seen a Fledgling Mythrol evacuate their thorax,"

Glitch grimaced at the Mytrhol's description.

"You're lucky, trust me. Clearly, there's nowhere for me to go. So, uh...I'm gonna look for that vacc tube if it's all the same to you?"

Glitch nodded her head towards the door.


"How long you want me to wait this time?" Glitch asked.

"Found it!" The Mythrol declared.

"Go," The Mandalorian said.

"Thank kriff!" Glitch sighed. "He's so annoying,"

"Thanks. It might take a while," The Mythrol called out. "I'm molting,"

Glitch rolled her eyes and went to her hatch to sneak up on the Mythrol.

"Oh, this feels a lot better. I haven't evacuated since the solstice. Yeah. I was hoping to be free for Life Day. Maybe even, uh...Get home to the family,"

Glitch hopped down and noticed the Mythrol by the Carbonite chamber. "Shame that's not gonna happen this year," she pressed the button to freeze the Mythrol and place him with the other bounties.

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