Lunch Prep

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After your chicken piccata excursion the day goes slowly, waiting for the other chefs to arrive. Syd arrived first, suspiciously eyeing you and Carmen sitting across from each other.

"Morning chefs, what are you two doing here so early?"

"Just working on some menu stuff." Your answer probably comes out too quickly and defensively, because Syd raises a knowing eyebrow at you.

Slowly the rest of the chefs trickle in, each assuming their stations and getting ready for the day.

Carmen comes to find you anxiously smoking a cigarette out back.

"Hey you."

You quickly flick your cigarette into a nearby puddle. "Hey."

"What are you so nervous about?"

Goddamn it, how can he still read me like a book after all this time.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Y/n, it's going to be fine, they love you. If anything they'll be excited that I'm not the only one bossing them around anymore."

"I know.. I just, I can't fuck this up Carmen."

"Y/n, if I haven't fucked this place up by now, you never will." Carmen awkwardly reaches across your lap to grab your hand. "Trust me."

Carmen quickly withdraws his hand with a slight blush on his face.

"Come on, let's go in." He stands and opens the door for you, letting you walk in ahead of him.

"Chefs! Front of house, now!"

You all lazily shuffle towards the front of house, following Carmen. When everyone is sitting Carmen takes his place in the front and gestures for you to join him.

"Alright chefs listen, there are gonna be some changes around here. I am going to be taking an executive chef position here, which is going to make Y/n our new Chef de Cuisine."

"Yo Jeff, no disrespect or nothing, but what the hell does all that mean?" You can't help but giggle at Tina, she never fails to amuse you.

"It means that Y/n is your new boss, her and I will be running this place together. Syd you'll remain as sous, and everyone else will keep their same positions. Just, listen to Y/n, she knows what she's doing, got it?"

"Yes chef!"

Carmen takes a step back to allow you to address everyone. You anxiously twist your apron strings and step up.

"Hey guys, I know I just got here, and some of you guys have been here for a really long time. But I hope we can work together and make this place even better, yeah?"

"Hell yeah miss Jeff!" Tina makes you laugh yet again with her radical acceptance of you.

"Alright chefs let's get in there, lunch is going to go as usual but we're doing a lemon chicken piccata for dinner, so let's get lunch done right. See you in there."

After everyone goes back into the kitchen Carmen pulls you aside.

"See chef, I told you there was nothing to worry about."

"Don't speak too soon Carmen, they may forget to put butter in the chicken piccata." You send Carmen a wink to punctuate your joke and head back into the kitchen- leaving him mildly insulted and very flustered.

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