Childhood friends reunited

Start from the beginning

Axel grabbed Todo's hand and said " Todo... Stop , listen to me "

Todo didn't stop as he went behind Axel and grabbed him before German suplexing him down through the ice.

" Axel! " Smoothie yelled as she was about running to him.

" Leave him " Mina said stopping her.

" What? " Smoothie replied.

" 3... 2.... 1..... 0.... " Mina counted before.
As she reached 0  , a man dashed out of the air and it was a guy with reddish pink hair and the same clothes Axel wore.

As she reached 0  , a man dashed out of the air and it was a guy with reddish pink hair and the same clothes Axel wore

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" King " Mina said as he punched Todo in the face.

" Axel , long time no see " King said getting into position.

" Yeah , leave , this is between me and him " Axel instructed.

" And me " king replied.

" * Sigh * no one can ever win an argument against you " Axel said dishearteningly.

Todo got up and looked at them who were rushing at him.

Todo performed a swift strike which clashed against the two fists.

" Rage Rage fruit! : Black Flash! " King yelled as his fist covered in black and red lightning.

" Energy Energy fruit! : Thunder nail! " Mina yelled as she threw a nail in the air and Striked it down towards King.

" Combo Strike! : Black Thunder Nail! " They both yelled in unison as the two moves combined multiple nails surrounded King's hand which stabbed him but then he combined his Black flash and the nails to form a somewhat like a drill of black and red thunder.

King taking great pains delivered a punch which spiked Todo in his gut.

" Shot ! " King said as it fired from his hand sending Todo back and it stuck to him.

" Now! , Retard! " He yelled drawing it back bringing Todo closer as the drill disappeared.

" Black Flash! " King yelled again as Todo got close and was punched far.

" Axel........ That's not Todo " King said as mina walked to him.

" This is not the brave , and chivalrous Todo I know , look at his eyes , he is being manipulated , we need to free him! " Mina explained.

" Axel , do you remember our combined move? " King asked.

" Yeah! " Axel replied.

" Then let's do it! " King replied.

Axel turned on gamma fist and yelled " GAMMA WAVE! " Shooting out a huge purple sphere.
King dashed racing with the sphere " Black Flash! " As he punched the sphere making it turn black and red with lightning.

" Mega Nail! " Mina yelled as she hit a tiny nail at the sphere.

The sphere disappeared and that was left was the nail covered now in purple , red and black lightning still flying towards Todo.

Smoothie looked in amazement as they all worked together.

" COMBO STRIKE: BLACK GAMMA NAIL! " The three yelled in unison.

As the nail went through Todo's right side of his chest.
The side the nail hit turned soft and Todo dropped.

Todo grabbed himself up , looking at them now at his brother.

Todo got up and walked towards Axel , and when he reached he hugged Axel.

" Brother , I'm sorry... * Cough * " Todo apologized.

" It's fine... now get some rest " Axel said as he gave him to King.

King took them to his home and Todo rested there.

Axel looked about to see everything in good order.

" Why do you live in the north pole ? " Axel asked.

" It's Cold " the couple answered in Unison.

Smoothie looked inside through the window because she was too big to fit.

" Well set off tomorrow " Axel said.

" To where? " Mina asked.

" I don't know? " Axel replied.

" Tomorrow let's play a game " King said with a smile similar to a kid's.

" Tomorrow let's play a game " King said with a smile similar to a kid's

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" What? " Everyone asked in Unison.

" Yeah , like a sport " king replied.

End of chapter 7
Hope you enjoyed

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