Break In for Lost Time

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(7 months later)

As the hospital doors opened they saw the once coma stuck man , was on his feet , lively as he was , putting on his blindfold.

" Oh hey! " He greeted waving at the doctors.

" Hey , where's Smoothie? " Axel asked.
" She left when you were in a coma '' The doctors explained.

" Coma?..... " Axel asked.

" Yes.... It's been 7 months " The doctor pointed out to a calendar.

"It's A new Year! " Axel said as if he didn't want it to be.

Axel ran out, clutching his hands and freeing them before teleporting.
To his homeland.

Axel looked about to see the skyscraper they were building was reaching the clouds and was finished with the marks of marine.
" Time for revenge " Axel said to himself running there.

Axel had made his way in front of the building but was met with more than 100 marines.

Axel grinned , " I've been stuck for 7 months , it's time to check whether I still got it ! "
He dashed towards them before punching one of them sending him to the water.

Axel then leaped into the air , and flipped in the air.

" It's a waste showing you this! , Gamma Gatling!! " Axel yelled turning on his Gamma fist and releasing purple mini spheres.

The marines yelled in pain  , and each died one by one.

Axel looked at them as he landed and only one was left.

The last marine grabbed a gun and shot at him.

Axel dodged them easily with no efforts , moving forward while dashing.
And then he was Infront of the marine.

" Jackpot " Axel said calmly before punching Him down by hitting him on his stomach and dragging it up to his chest and as the marine was in the air.

Axel grabbed the gun from his hand , put his other hand on the marines neck , and shot him twice in the forehead.

The body slid of axel's hand.

Axel entered the building , spinning the gun.

He was met with an empty room and only saw an elevator.

Axel turned to his left and right suspecting nowhere but everywhere.
Axel then went inside the elevator and was surprise attacked by Two marines holding swords.

Axel looked at them before dodging a strike while also dodging another beneath him.
Axel grabbed the two swords and threw them out before the elevator was closing.

Axel then punched one and put his head through the doors of the elevator , snapping it and chopping it off.

The other marine's death was even more painful.

Axel looked at him and started punching him on the chest and banging his head on the glass and broke it soon enough and threw him out.

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