Axel's way back

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Axel focused on locating smoothie with his eyes closed , both hands on his head.
Suddenly , a blue rift opened in his head again and In it he saw smoothie drinking a juice from a glass.

" Smoothie " He called out as he opened his eyes.

He was met with the girl sitting on a stool , her head turned looking at him curiously.
An eyebrow raised up as she dropped her glass.

" You again , what do you want? , Also how'd you find me ? " Smoothie asked crossing her legs.

" Well , Too put it simply , I was lost " He said.

She laughed at him before...

" That was fast , this island isn't big , how'd you get lost , your like a puppy or a toy " Smoothie taunted.

" I am not! " Axel childishly said folding his arms.

He put on his black blindfold before continuing.

" Also what did you just come out of ? " Smoothie asked.

" I don't actually know🤔 " Axel responded.

" Anyways , don't you want to get to where you were before you were sent flying into a building? " Smoothie asked standing up.

" Yes I do , but I don't know the- " Axel replied but was interrupted by a big explosion near the sides of the island.

" What was that? " Axel and smoothie asked in unison.

" It's those damn marines , they're dumb for trying to attack my island " Smoothie said running to the site of the explosion.

" Hey wait! " Axel yelled before running after smoothie.

Skipping to when there

Smoothie and Axel stood in front of multiple ships , each with more than 50 marines on one ship.

They yelled before firing cannons.

Smoothie charged to the cannons that were fired , holding one of her swords tightly before cutting those cannons.
" You damn marines , I won't allow you to destroy my city! " She yelled running quickly to the ships.

She jumped into the air , her sword high in the air.

" Now! " Someone exclaimed and out came the marine from earlier that sent Axel flying and by his side two ropes were shot of cannons.

The marine held the ropes in his hands , and as he reached her he quickly tied the ropes around her legs and waist.

And then flickered behind her , in his hands a rock hammer formed before he knocked smoothie on to the ground.

The marines cheered as they celebrated what had happened to smoothie.

Axel immediately dashed to the admiral as he was still in the air.

" Let's finish what had quickly begun before shall we! " Axel gestured as he leaped to him , a glowing hand ready to punch the admiral.

The admiral was to slow to counter attack or dodge so he formed a large rock to block the impact.

Quickly , Axel offed his Gamma fist and punched the rock instead of making it fade , he pushed it so it hit the admiral.

" Tsk , A pity trick like that won't work on me! " The admiral said as he landed on the ground , leaving a huge crater as he Axel charged down on him.

Axel dived down with a leg facing the face of the admiral.

The Strongest Emperor (One piece x Jujutsu Kaisen)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora