Chapter 39

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Today your grandma is in town. You haven't seen her in a long time but she always comes with presents. You all are currently in the kitchen at Meredith's house and you see Izzie basically torturing Meredith, you all need to leave in like half an hour.

"I'm telling you that the ponytail is too much!" You said rolling your eyes on Izzie's stupid idea of making Meredith put her hair up in a ponytail.

"And smile!" Izzie said to Meredith completely ignoring your last comment. Meredith smile weird and you chuckle.

"Please, I'm begging you, don't smile like that in front of Grandma Carolyn. I love you Mer but I need to go convince Lexie to help me with my History homework because you and dad are useless and she's the only person in this crowded house who knows History" You said rolling your eyes at them.

You walk up to Lexie's room, You open the door and...
"Uncle Mark?! Oh my god ewwww" You said shutting the door as fast as you can. You're so traumatize right now. After like 5 second the door opens and it's your uncle Mark.

"What the fuck!! Have you ever heard of locking doors?!" You said still not being able to get that image out of your head.

"Shhhh just don't tell your parents they will kill me!! Please y/n, I'm begging" Uncle Mark said and you looked at him.

"Fine, I won't tell!" You said and sigh. "Just lock the next time!" You said and then Lexie comes out.

"Just knock next time!" She said and looked at Mark. "She won't tell but you need to sneak out" She said and gave him a quick kiss. He leaves and you look at Lexie and start laughing.

"All I needed was help with my History homework" you said to her and she smile and let you in the room.

You walk to the bathroom and call your mom. It's going to voicemail.

"Grandma Carolyn is in town. I really need you right now and I know you can't be here but I think I'm having a panic attack. I love you mom, please please please call me back."

You start to feel like you can't breathe and you sit on the floor, you call Meredith and she picks up.

"Meredith, I need you, bathroom" you said between tears and hang up. She comes after something that felt like 15 minutes but was actually 2. She opens the door in panic but try to stay calm. She sees you on the floor and immediately check you. She puts your hand on her chest to keep up with her heartbeats.

"Now just breathe. In, and Out" she said repeatedly. You can see she's nervous and then your phone rings and you see it's your mom. You feel a lot better so you pick up.

"Hi Mom, I'm sorry I worried you. I'm just not really ready for seeing grandma again. I am sure she thinks I'm a huge disappointed to her."

"And I know she doesn't think that way. I know she still thinks of you as her little granddaughter and if she'll say even a word to you, tell your dad or me and if after the visit you'll need an escape just tell me and I'll be on the next flight to you"

"Do you promise?"

"I promise! Are you with Meredith? Let me talk to her please" You take the phone and give it to Meredith and say it's your mom. She takes the phone and talk to her. After she end the call she hug you and then you both get up.

"It'll be okay baby, if anything happens remember you will always have us. But I'm sure your grandma still loves you, if not, she's an idiot!" She said and smile a little smile before she kiss your forehead. It's the first time she does that. You love Meredith and it makes you miss your mom so much.

"How about we'll eat an ice-cream and see a movie tonight?" You nod.

You're at the hospital your grandma needs to be here and Meredith is still freaking out too.

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