Chapter 25 - The Parentals

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Let me know when Abi's parents flights due in. I'll collect them from the airport.

Thnx. Due 9.30.

How'd she do overnight?

Rough night. Pain meds been increased. She's sleeping better now.

Troy quietly placed his phone back on the side table. Abi had been sleeping peacefully for a few hours now but the scare overnight had left Troy shaken. Normally so confident and positive, he hated seeing Abi so vulnerable, scared and hurting. He ran his hand through his hair.
"You do that when you're worrying." An exhausted voice whispered from the bed.
Troy looked over to see blue eyes looking at him, squinted slightly in pain. He reached across and took her hand.
"What's time?" She asked.
"7. Your parents will be here later this morning."
"Not how...I'd meet them." She half smiled as she forced out the sentence her brain struggled to form.
"It'll be sweet." He responded, sounding less than certain. She squeezed his hand in reassurance.

Abi was sat propped against the raised bed, barely awake, when the hospital rooms door opened and her parents entered. The blonde woman, looking strikingly like an older version of her daughter, hurried over to the bed and swept Abi into a tight hug. Her Dad lingered further back and offered his hand to Troy.
"Derek." He said. "Good to meet you. Thank you for looking after Abi."
Troy shook his hand as Chappo appeared in the doorway behind them.
"Thanks for being taxi." Troy said.
"No problem, mate. Knew you wouldn't wanna leave Bambi's side."
"Bambi?" Derek queried.
"Abi's nickname. Everyone in the lifeguards gets a nickname, ay Gonz."
Troy rolled his eyes at Chappo and turned back to the bed where Abi had been released from her Mums embrace. Derek moved past him and wrapped her in his arms.

Chappos hand landed on Troy's shoulder.
"Let them catch up. I'll drive you back to the apartment. You can grab a shower and a change of clothes."
Troy seemed reluctant but let Chappo guide him out of the room.

Abi pushed the pain in her head down as her Mum pulled her into a tight hug. In the background she could hear Troy, Chappo and her Dad. Her Mum released her, tears in her eyes, only for her to be wrapped in a tight embrace from her Dad. When she was finally released Troy and Chappo had disappeared. Tiredly Abi leant back against the head rest.
"You look better than you did the other night love." Her Mum was saying. Abi, exhausted, nodded.
Her Dad, ever the level-headed one, reigned in her Mum.
"You rest up love. We'll sit here with you." He told her, directing her Mum to the chair Troy had occupied overnight. They spoke quietly as they updated her on family and friends in England. She let their comforting voices wash over her as she drifted back off to sleep.

Feeling better for having taken a shower, Troy slipped quietly into the hospital room. His eyes immediately sort out Abi, who lay sleeping peacefully on the bed. Her parents turned to the door as they heard it close quietly. They gave him friendly but tired smiles. Nervously, he smiled back before walking around to the far side of the bed and taking the third chair there. Without consciously thinking about it, he placed his hand softly on top of Abi's. He really wished she was awake right now.
"Your friend Chris told us you've barely left her side since she arrived at hospital." Trish said. "Thank you. The thought of her being so far away from us when she was hurt... I'm just glad she wasn't alone."
"She'd have done the same for me." Troy shrugged it off.
"If you need to get some proper sleep or go back to work now we are here please do." Derek added.
"I don't wanna leave her. The guys are covering my shifts for as long as we need."
"That's good of them."
"Abi spends so much time volunteering as a translator at the beaches. She's part of the lifeguarding team. They're all worried about her."
"She talks about you all a lot on her video calls. Especially you. She's been going for weekly family dinners at your parents?" Trish asked.
"Yeah. It's only been a few. She misses you. My Mum picked up on that and made sure to make her welcome."
Trish appraised him carefully. Troy fought down the urge to run his hand through his hair. She smiled at his obvious nervousness.
"I'm glad she's found family here too." Derek commented.

Abi's stirring ended the conversation.
"Troy." She mumbled as she began to wake.
"Hey Abs." He said softly, gently brushing his thumb along her hand. She turned her palm and entwined her fingers with his. Also turning her head slowly towards his voice.
Sleepy blue eyes looked up into his.
"Hey." She murmured. She smiled at him fondly.
"Did the sleep help love?" Trish asked.
Abi turned to face her parents.
"Always sleepy." She told them.
"The Doctor says its an important part of the healing process." Troy supplied.
"A nurse said they will release you in a day or 2. We are in a hotel but we'll look for an apartment to rent for a bit so you can move in with us."
Abi shook her head, wincing at the pain.
"It's no trouble, love."
"No. Mum." Abi paused to gather her thoughts. "I want to stay with Troy." She turned to look at him. "That still okay?"
"'Course Abs. Hops organised for me to be off for a week from your hospital release then the guys are sorting out one of them being with you when I'm working."
"That's very kind but really not needed. We can look after her." Trish said.
Abi placed her hand soothingly on her Mum's arm and struggled to get out what she wanted to say.
"Lifeguards have a..a..advanced first aid. Best option."
Her Mum frowned. Her Dad chipped in.
"She's a grown woman, Trish. She can make her own decisions. We can still help, but she has a family of friends here who want to watch out for her too. And they are better qualified to watch for any complications than we are."
Trish didn't look happy but reluctantly accepted Abi's decision.

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