Chapter 24 - Hospital

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The next morning Abi woke slowly, her mind foggy. She remembered being woken often through the night by nurses checking in on her. Troy had been by her side throughout. She turned to the side, being cautious of the pain in her head.

The chair beside her was occupied by an older woman with dark blonde hair, lost in the depths of a book. Abi's brow knitted together in confusion. Where was Troy?
She murmured his name and the woman looked up. Abi recognised her from somewhere.
"Don't worry Abi love. Quincy dragged him away to get some breakfast."
Things began to click into place and Abi suddenly knew the woman's name.
"Mary." She said aloud. Troys mum smiled at her and placed her hand on Abi's arm comfortingly.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?"
"Foggy." Abi replied after a pause.
"The Doctors say you're doing really well."
"Words are hard." Abi fought back a sob. "My job." Abi couldn't get the rest out and broke down sobbing.
Mary sat on the bed and pulled the crying girl into a tight hug.
"It's only temporary, sweetheart. As the concussion improves you'll be less confused. You'll still be able to speak all those languages and do your job. You just need to take time to recover."

When Troy and his father returned they found Abi buried in Mary's shoulder, crying inconsolably. Troy rushed to the bed and sat the other side from his Mum, rubbing Abi's back soothingly and sending a questioning look at his Mum.
"It's all just catching up to her." His Mum reassured. "She's worried her struggle with words will be long term and affect her job."
"Oh Abs." Troy pulled her away from his Mum, wrapping her tightly in his own arms. "The Doctors said it's temporary." Abi buried her head in his chest as her sobs subsided into hiccupy little breathes. She clung tight to him and eventually slipped back into sleep.

"Poor love." Mary murmured. "They are sure aren't they?"
"Yeah. I asked the Doctor. She said it's a really common symptom of severe concussion."
Mary took in her sons tired expression and red rimmed eyes.
"How are you?" She asked.
Troy fought back tears. His Mum moved around the bed and hugged him awkwardly, so as not to disturb the sleeping girl in his arms.
"I was terrified I was going to lose her." He held the sleeping girl a little tighter. Quincy and Mary exchanged a look.
"She's strong and she's got all of us to help her through this." Quincy said. "And her parents are on their way."
"When she's released from hospital she can stay with us for a bit." Mary said.
"Thanks Mum. Chap and I already discussed having her stay with us for a while. It'll be up to her though."
"Has her flatmate even come to visit?"
"Cait popped in last night after work. Argued her way past the nurses to get in after visiting hours. Abi was asleep."

They were interrupted by Chloe the nurse. She chuckled when she saw Abi clinging to Troy in her sleep and quietly checked the machines.
"Any changes since I popped in earlier?" She asked Troy.
"She was upset when she woke this time. I think she's processing it all."
"That's good though." The nurse responded "Means her brains thinking and working."
Chloe soon left. Quincy and Mary said their goodbyes and left. Troy cautiously manoeuvred himself more securely onto the bed with Abi lying on his chest, still clutching his shirt. Troy raised the sides before drifting off for some much needed sleep himself.

That was how Whippet and Mouse discovered them an hour later. Mouse quickly snapped a photo and shared it to the lifeguards chat group before pulling up a chair. Whippet settled in beside him.

Troy was the first to wake. He pressed a sleepy kiss to Abi's bandaged head then noticed they had company.
"Cosy nap?" Mouse chuckled.
Troy gave him the finger.
"How's she doing?"
"Still sleeping lots, struggling to piece words together and light sensitive but she improved overnight." Troy whispered.
"If you need to have a break we can sit with her for a bit." Whippet offered.
"Nah, I'm sweet. Mum and Dad came by earlier. Dad dragged me off for brekkie."

Their low voices woke Abi. She stirred and Troy placed his hand gently on her arm as she groaned and hid her head further into Troy's chest.
"Hey Abs. Whip and Mouse are here."
Troy raised the bed head so they were sitting. Abi slowly pulled away from Troy's chest and turned to face the visiting lifeguards. She gave them a tired smile laced with pain.
Whippet was immediately on his feet and drawing her into a gentle hug.
"You're looking better than yesterday Bambi."
"Feel shit." She mumbled into his shoulder. Mouse laughed.

Chloe walked in.
"Do you have a never-ending supply of attractive men on tap Abi?" The nurse asked as she looked Mouse up and down appreciatively.
"Don't make their egos bigger than they already are." Abi replied as she pulled out of Whippets hug and lent back heavily against Troy.
"That was a full sentence, love." Troy murmured proudly. Chloe grinned at the pair.
"You're improving faster than we'd expect Abi. Doctors want to keep you in for another 3 days. Then so long as you keep improving and there's someone with you at all times you can go home."
"The guys have offered to take shifts keeping an eye on you or covering Troy's shifts at work Bambi." Whippet said.
"You can stay with me or at my parents." Troy added.
"Don't want to be a burden." Abi fought out, clearly struggling with the words.
Mouse took her hand.
"Darl, you've given so much of your time helping us. Now it's our turn to help you out. You're not a burden."
A tear trickled down her cheek. Troy hugged her to his side as Whippet squeezed her shoulder.
"We've got to head off for our shift. Maxi and Jake said they'd pop in later." Whippet placed a gentle kiss on top of her head and Mouse kissed her hand with a wink before they both left. Chloe finished her checks and also disappeared.

Abi curled into Troy's side.
"Thank you." She murmured.
"What for?" He asked.
"I love you. Knowing you were hurt yesterday and waiting to hear more details over the radio was like torture. Then when I got here and saw how badly you were hurt." He shook his head. "Abs, I didn't even want to leave you to get brekkie with Dad this morning."
"Still scared." She said.
"Ay, me too." He responded. "But we'll face it together, yeah? Get you better."
"'Kay." She said and failed to stifle a yawn.
"Sleep Abs, I'll be right here."

Abi slept most of the day, waking briefly for nurse and Doctor checks. Then, waking again when Caitlinn and Sam popped in to visit and again when Maxi and Jake stayed for a while. Maxi stayed with her whilst Jake dragged a reluctant Troy away to get lunch in the cafeteria. Deano and H stopped by in the evening but found both the lovebirds asleep, so left them in peace.

Abi woke with a horrific headache in the early hours just as a nurse arrived on his rounds. He noticed the pain she was in and adjusted her medication to help. Half an hour later a Doctor arrived, waking Troy and wheeling Abi off for another scan to explore the cause of her increased pain.

Troy waited nervously for the scan results whilst Abi drifted in and out of restless, pain filled sleep. A Doctor eventually appeared and reassured them that the scans showed the swelling was reducing and there were no complications around the operation site. He concluded that the pain was just a part of the concussion and healing and would come and go. Pain meds were increased again and Abi drifted back to sleep. Troy sat awake and anxious by her side until dawn light began to creep around the edge of the curtains.

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