Rose was shown in her state room with cal as he walks over to her with a look of anger before he slaps her making rose gasp"oh it is a little slut isn't you look at me when I'm talking to you"he says grabbing her by the arms harshly.

Stefan and kol had to stop nelanie from killing him"your dead cal you hear me!"she roars with anger as cal hides behind Ruth.

Soon a knock on the door is heard as the Barnes opens the door "Mr hockley".

"Not now we're busy"cal dismissed him but the Barnes just walked right in"sir I've been told to ask you to please put on your life belts and come up to the boat deck"he says going over to were they are stored at.

"I said not now"cal says firmly but the Barnes just stands there"I'm sorry to inconvenience you Mr hockley but captains orders now please dress warmly"the Barnes says as cal just scoffs stepping away from rose who gently touches her face were he slapped her as she was handed a life belt.

Nelanie was shown walking to the entry way of the grand staircase as she sees all the people gathering around she couldn't help be feel sad on what was to become she then spots rose.

"Rose"nelanie calls as rose turns to her before walking over but nelanie frowns when she doesn't see jack"rose where's jack"she says worried as she gently holds rose.

"He's been taking by the master of arms but I know it was a set up so when I get a chance I'm leaving my mother and cal to save jack I'm gonna need your help"rose says with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry I'll help meet me by the elevator shafts"she whispered to rose while glaring as t call before turning around leaving as she pushed people out of her way.

Staff men where shown opening doors and telling people to put there life belts on as cora was shown  woken up just as the staff men pulls down the lifebelts from up above the closet. Cora's doad sets up wiping his eyes"what's he on about "he asked confused.

Captain Smith was shown writing down the distress code cqd. "C.Q.D sir"phill asked confused as he sits at his station which was the communications.

"That's right C.Q.D the distress call. That's our position."captain smith explains while he hands phill the trans script "tell whoever respondes we're going down by the head and need immediate assistance"smith explains as Phill looks at him in shock before captain smith walks away as Phill gets started on the distress call.

Steam can be seen coming out the funnels loudly as officers on decks were getting the life boats ready Mr Andrews was shown on deck but he didn't see none of the passengers so he walks over to one of the officers."Mr wide where are the passengers"he asked confused.

"They've all gone back inside too damn cold and noisy for them"Mr wide yells over the noise before going to help with the life boats while Mr Andrews looks at the were the passengers are in the dining solon before pulling out his stop watch as he checks the time.

Jack was shown being hand cuffed to a pipe by the master of arms before a officer comes in"sir they need you up at the second class purser's office there's a big mob up there"he explains.

Lovejoy steps up"go on. I'll keep an eye on him"he says while pulling out is his gun. The master of arms nods "aye right"he says locking the cuffs before walking out the room with the officer leaving jack and Lovejoy by them selfs but not before handing the key to Lovejoy.

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