Chapter 4 - Where Do We Go From Here?

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"Come." I held my hand out to the girl, but perhaps I was too impulsive as she backed up a few steps. "You know what, just stay close to me." I said as I put on my mask and hood and walked towards the entrance.

I heard the girl's slow, careful steps right behind me, I poked my head out of the room and scanned the area, and there was no one there, perfect! Looking back, I saw that the girl was close, I motioned for her to follow me, but as soon as I took a step outside, I felt a tug on my shirt.

Looking back, I saw the girl holding the back of my shirt and looking at the floor "It's okay to stay like this, just don't let go of me and don't wander around, okay?"

The girl nodded. With that resolved, we left the room, book and dagger in hand. Slowly we made our way to the right, our footsteps the only source of noise in the decrepit stone corridors, reaching the end of the corridor, there were two paths one to the left and one to the right.

We approached the corner of the hall, our bodies pressed against the wall; I felt the girl's grip on my shirt tightening. I poked part of my head out of hiding and looked both ways, there was no one.

"The path is clear, we can continue." Said as I gave the girl a quick look, she gave me a quick wave and we continued right again. We walked past the dungeon entrance, looking around; I saw the grass and the wall of fog outside.

No sign of the dogs and Isayah, good news. I noticed that the girl was also looking outside curiously. "This is the outside, where I came from. Have you ever been there?"

The girl nodded negatively, keeping her eyes on the landscape outside.

"Unfortunately we can't leave right now, I don't know if it's safe. Maybe later I can show you around the outside."

The girl gave me a sad look and lowered her head, nodding in understanding, I felt bad for making her sad, but we can't risk running into the dogs.

We reached the end of this corridor and stopped in front of a wooden door, this was where I expected to get more equipment. "Could you let go of me for a minute."

The girl fixed me with a hesitant look, but with a trembling hand, she released me.

"Don't worry, this won't take long, but stay where I can see you."

Understanding what I said, the girl leaned against the wall to the left side of the wooden door, with that done, I approached the old, rotten wooden door and grabbed the metal handle with one hand, forcing it inside as I lunged at the door.

It took a few tries, but with each impact, the lock gave way. Eventually the door creaked open, revealing a dusty storage room, when the dust settled, I entered the room with the girl following me.

Moreover, to my delight, I found one of the things I was looking for, the leather vest, similar to the ones Cahara wore, but instead of their brownish red hue, these were black in color.

I wore them over my shirt like a jacket, covering my torso but leaving my arms exposed, I need some armbands right away, the second item I found was a blue vial, and I put it in my backpack. Good, but I was hoping to get an iron mace.

"I got everything I wanted here. Thanks for waiting, let's move on." I smiled at the girl, then we went back to what we were doing, the girl holding my shirt and me leading the way until we finally reached the place I was looking for.

The kitchen.

It was a simple medieval kitchen, with wooden tables and chairs, a few boxes and barrels lying around, and a stone woodstove. I closed the kitchen door behind us.

"You can sit down; I'll make you something to eat." I said to the girl as I pulled out a chair for her to sit on. The girl looked surprised by what I said. Staring at me as if I was lying.

Fear, Hunger and Cosmic Horrors [Fear and Hunger Isekai OC SI]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora