Chapter 5 | Silver's Servants

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"We accept your challenge, Alice Asmodeus." Alice seemed pleased. He suddenly started throwing several fire balls at them. Nadeshiko dodged with ease while Iruma looked almost desperate.

This went on for 10 minutes. "Hah.. Ha... Why... Why won't you attack me..." Alice questioned while panting as he was exhausted. "Isn't it obvious?! They don't think you're worth fighting!" A random student shouted, making Alice get irked. "Well?! Is that true?! Am I really that weak for you to see me unworthy of attacking?!!?" He yelled. His pride was hurt as they hadn't even attacked. This made him think that they thought of him as unworthy.

"Hm, well, I can't speak for my brother over there but... For me, yeah. I don't think you're worth attacking. Your fire balls are weak and unrefined. You're also very slow. If you were in the demon realm I knew you would be as good as dead." She muttered that last part for fairly obvious reasons. "Oh yeah?!?!? Well if I can't beat you with magic, then I will beat you with martial arts!!!" He formed a fire sword and I put up a barrier for Iruma. Noticing this he refocused his attention on me. But...

"Not enough." Nadeshiko timed her movement perfectly and simply twisted her body. She stayed in the same spot. While Alice was constantly trying to attack her. She eventually got bored and decided to end the battle. "Well this got boring. Haah, well I'll end it then." She walked over to Alice, but in their eyes it looked like she teleported. She flicked his head causing him to get smashed into the wall. Iruma was in awe of what Nadeshiko just did. And without batting an eye no less.

That incident made it to the top of their school papers. The two were now in the principal's office. "You know I'm impressed Nadeshiko. You dodged with such grace and you have such high stamina levels." Sullivan complemented. "Indeed Nadeshiko-sama. Your abilities were impressive." Opera added. "Thank you, grandpa, Opera." She wore a happy smile on her face. She was clearly satisfied with what she did today. On the contrary, Iruma was very worried. He kept saying something about apologizing to him.

Then the door bursts open. Iruma braced himself while Nadeshiko was relaxed. The demon who entered was none other than Alice. He bowed down to the two of them. "I have lost to you two fair and square. As per rules of the demon realm, the loser must serve the victor. Therefore... I hereby pledge my utmost loyalty to Iruma-sama and Nadeshiko-sama!" Alice claimed. But it was true. Even in the demon realm she knew, the losers would have to yield to the winner. Some were more stubborn but ended up doing so in the end.

"Eh? EH?! EHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!" Iruma shouted as he was very confused. Nadeshiko stood there with her smile deepening. "First order should be to take over the ENTIRE student body. So my lord, my lady, who shall I slay first!!!" Alice said with an unusually bright smile.

With that, Nadeshiko and Iruma had gotten one servant. The following morning Iruma felt like he had a headache. Probably from all that happened yesterday. "Good morning Ruru-kun." Nadeshiko greeted Iruma. Naturally he greeted her back. "Good morning Nade-san." They had breakfast as usual and departed for school.

Once they got to school they were met by their new servant, Alice. "Good morning Azz-kun." Nade was the first to speak. "Good morning my lady and my lord. I have been waiting for you two for 6 hours and 6 minutes!" He said happily. Iruma was surprised. "W-what?! Azz, you do realize you don't have to do that right?" "Hm? Oh. I see. Ok then! Anyways we should probably get going. Today is the summoning ceremony." Azz said as he led the way towards the place. Surprisingly Iruma didn't ask anything on the way.

While they were walking Nadeshiko noticed some people talking about them. "Did you hear? That girl took out the freshmen representative." "I know. And that other kid may have not attacked but he didn't even get hit once!" "Although it looked like he struggled while his sister effortlessly dodged all of it!" "Woah so does that mean that she is stronger than her brother?" "I guess so."

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