"If you need anything, just let us know!" Skull Kid chirped.

All Link did was mumble, his exhaustion finally catching up with him. All the adrenaline he had flowing through his veins before had completely washed away. Jim and Skull Kid waved their friend goodbye before leaving to help out.

For a while, Link was alone. The only sound in his ears was his own heartbeat, breathing, and the occasional voices coming from outside. He laid sprawled out on the couch for what felt like an eternity, but he eventually forced himself to sit up and actually think.

Some of the bloodshot had returned to his eyes, and the corners of his vision were blurry. Even his own thoughts were slurred, almost incapable of making something sensible.

Then Link heard a door open and some steps coming close. He turned, and all he could make out was a long, lovely mane of red hair. A big smile found its way onto his face.

"R-Romani..." Link grunted, stumbling his way over to her.

"Hm?" She responded.

Link didn't say another word. He just took her by the shoulders and started to kiss her tenderly. His mind was tired, and all he wanted was some kind of love after everything he'd been through over the past several days.

After a few seconds, Link didn't let up. Instead, he tightened his grip on Romani, primal, lustful thoughts entering his brain. He yearned for more from the kiss.

Then the front door opened.

"Alright, Jim will just need to get a hammer from upstairs. Skull Kid, you can-" Romani stopped dead in her tracks as soon as she registered the scene before her.

Link, kissing Malon. Malon, eyes wide. Neither rejecting what was happening. All the color drained from Romani's face. Jim's mouth went agape, and Skull Kid had to shield his eyes with his hat. The staff the imp held fell to the ground, the noise making Link finally open his eyes. His vision adjusted, and he was filled with horror.

Breaking the kiss, Link backed away from Malon as she remained still, frozen by shock. Then he looked to the right and saw Romani, Jim, and Skull Kid, all staring at him like he killed someone. He backed away more and then tripped.

"L-Link?" Malon muttered, unable to process what the boy in question just did.

Link started to hyperventilate, and he wiped his mouth. He shakily got to his feet and could only watch as a few tears dripped from Romani's face. Then she sniffled.

"Romani, wait." Link pleaded. His words fell on deaf ears and his girlfriend turned back and ran off into town.

"Romani! Hang on, please!" Link shouted, trying to run after her. He made it just past the door when he fell again, Jim and Skull Kid making sure to get out of the way.

Link wanted to shout again, but he lost track of Romani. She disappeared into the crowd, hands covering her face. All the others could do was watch with shock.

"What just happened...?" Jim asked, no clue how to even begin assessing the situation. He got no response from Link. The teen just lowered his eyes, then head, and silently began to cry.


Midday. Romani still hadn't spoken a word to Link. Her eyes wouldn't even go near him. Quilt and regret was all that could occupy the mind of the teen in green. He sat face down on his bed, wishing he could smother himself with his pillow.

The entire night, Link was plagued with terrible nightmares. Even without that dream demon to manipulate it, his mind was still troubled. Images of that nameless grave, the monsters that sailed past him, the face of the unruly spider. It was all he could see, and almost every hour he woke up in a cold sweat, and then went back in for more, hoping something would change.

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger (MM/OoT Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora