Marcy x Fem Reader

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Thank you for your request @SilverCloud1000! :)

Your POV

When I was walking down the hallway, I noticed Sasha and Marcy having a conversation in the chemistry room, and I may or may not have stepped back a few steps to eavesdrop their conversation. It went something like this: "Sasha, I know you're persistent, but isn't it a little too early?" "Oh come on! Its been a year of you frolicking around Y/n, it's obvious you have a crush on her! Like, a massive crush!" "Sasha, it takes time for these things to work out." "Fine, fine." Sasha said before grabbing her chemistry books. I sped walked back to my locker when I saw their conversation was over. Marcy walked to her locker, and it was time for math. I grabbed a red folder from my locker before walking to Mrs. Randy's classroom.

Marcy's POV

As I was walking to class, I noticed Y/n walking to class as well. I ran up next to her. I asked her how she was doing. "I'm doing good. How about you?" "Me? Oh, well, I'm good as well." I said, before there was an uncomfortable silence between us. I wanted to fill the silence, but there wasn't a topic to mention. Well, at least for Y/n. There was something I really wanted to talk about, but during math wasn't the best time to mention it. Maybe after class. Or after school.

Timeskip to after school

Your POV

Marcy asked me to meet her at the park at 5:00, but why wasn't she here yet? I should text her. I pulled out my phone and sent a message


                                                             Hey Mars, where r u?

Almost there N/n.

                                                                       Ok! I'll be waiting


She said she'd almost be here, so I decided to sit down on a tree stump by the playground. 5 minutes later, I saw her running to the park.

Marcy's POV

"Hey N/n!" "Hey Mar-Mar! So what did you want to talk about?" I heard Y/n giddy voice, and a faint pink brushed on my face. I hope Y/n didn't notice. "Uhm, me and Sasha were talking in the-" "The chemistry lab?" Y/n asked me. "How did you-" "I eavesdropped on your conversation with Sasha." I looked at Y/n. "Then you already know what I'm gonna say then" "And my answer, Mars? Yes." I looked up at her again, still processing everything, when Y/n picked me up, bridal style and kissed me.

Again, thank you for the request!

Have a great day/night/evening/morning my rubber duckies!

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