2015 Ch. 6

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I met Jay and Kyle at the bottom of the stairs that led from my aunt's office. "Where's Raidan?" I asked.
"Who knows?" said Jay. "Come on. I want to finish the tour before dinner."
"Tour?" There was tour? I mentally face-palmed. Of course there was a tour.
"We'll show you the dorm last, since we'll be staying there until dinner," said Kyle.
"Is that where everybody else is?" I asked.
"Well, obviously," replied Jay. "Classes don't start for another week. There's also the pool and the rec. And, for the nerds, there's a library."
"Don't forget the arcade!" said Kyle.
I gaped at them. "How big is this place?"
"Very big. Humongous. We're here all year, and some kids even stay over the summer," answered Jay.
"It's lots of fun," said Kyle.
This is how it went. We ran around the campus, looking at the training fields and classrooms, recreational areas, the dining hall, and all the while I asked a lot of questions.
Finally, we got to our dorm. "Every dorm has four occupants. There are four rooms with attached bathrooms, and a common room," said Jay.
"With a mini fridge," added Kyle.
"This is ours," said Jay, sticking his thumb at one of the doors. Instead of a number, it had a series of symbols, as with the rest of the doors. On ours, there was a rock, a wave, wind, and a flame.
"The four elements," I whispered.
"Uh-huh! Now come on!" said Kyle. He pushed open the door.
"Wow," I said. These boys new what to do with free time. The first thing I noticed (besides the mini fridge, which Kyle immediately pointed out) was the the 40" flat screen TV on the wall. Hooked up to it was a Wii, an Xbox, and three consoles. Underneath the TV there was a cabinet, which I soon learned contained multiple video games. There was a big couch in front of the TV, and a rug in between. There was no kitchen, however, because everyone ate in the dining hall.
"You guys are really into video games, aren't you?"
"It's what we do in our free time," said Jay. "We play things from Madden to Final Fantasy to Mario Brothers."
"You should see his room," whispered Kyle. "There's more technology in there than anywhere else in the building. And that's not an exaggeration."
"Seriously?" I stared at him. Kyle nodded.
"Raidan? You here?" Shouted Jay. There was no reply. "Huh. Guess he's not here."
"Maybe he's outside?" said Kyle.
"Oh well. He'll be here for dinner, which starts in fifteen minutes. We should get going." Jay looked at us. He saw that I was confused, and said, "The hallways get really crowded, and tables fill up fast."
And with that, we headed for the dining hall.

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