"Not yet." my mother said as my father laughed.

"I'm kidding. No, this is little Alice Wales. Do you want a hold?" I asked him. He shook his head violently.

"I wouldn't. I need a shower. I smell." he said.

"You're not wrong there." My mother agreed. "Now, breakfast, shall I just do you all a bacon sandwich?" she asked. We all nodded, as James and I sat down at the table.

"You alright?" James asked, as my mother went to the other side of the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I said.

"I knew you cared about her really." My father said, looking up from his collection of papers on the table in front of him. "You know Kate, when we told him last week, what had happened, he acted liked her couldn't care less, but I knew, as soon as you saw her, you'd show how much you were worried about her really." 

"I did care, of course, I just didn't know what to say. I wasn't expecting you to tell me that my sister had just had a baby." James said.

"I don't think I would have believed this time three weeks ago either." I told him. "But there's nothing I can do to change it now. She's here to stay." My mother turned around from the kitchen and winked at me. I smiled, looking down at Alice and then looking back to her. What she had said last night was right. I couldn't change this, any of it, I just had to accept it, and do the very best I could to be the best mother to Alice that I could be.


I got back to Catherine's parents house about mid-morning. Her parents were both in the kitchen, while she was sat in the living room with her brother and sister watching a Christmas movie. Alice was fast asleep in her Moses basket beside Catherine. She looked much happier than she had done over the past few weeks. I hoped that was because she was relaxed and settled and felt glad to be home, as opposed to being glad to have 24 hours away from me. I knew that the last few weeks had been hard, and I just hoped that I was helping Kate, instead of upsetting her. She seemed happy to see me, and I sat down with them and watched the rest of the film with them, before having lunch with them all.

After we'd all eaten and Kate had fed Alice, we got ready to go to the registry office, where we had to get a UK birth certificate for Alice, so that we could then apply for her passport. It felt weird, the first time we were going out, just the three of us. We didn't leave the house in Sydney. But Kate's parents had bought a pram for us to use and I had driven my car from London this morning, so the three of us, could just go out, on our own. Although, in reality we were never really on our own. I always had some sort of personal protection with me somewhere and while I had grown up with it, and was used to it, I think Kate struggled with it and still found the whole thing quite strange. Even after two years at university together, there was still always someone there and that would be the case for the rest of my life, and potentially for the rest of Alice's.

We drove to Newbury from Catherine's parents house and parked in the town, before walking over to the registry office. The lady who worked there was grumpy and grey looking and wasn't interested in us in the slightest. She raised lots of questions about why we had an Australian birth certificate for Alice and not a UK one, when we also didn't have a passport for her. I explained what had happened and how Kate never knew that she was pregnant, to which the lady tutted and rolled her eyes. 

After we'd got the birth certificate, we went for coffee in a little bakery down the road, where Kate was able to feed Alice, before she fell asleep in the pram while we had a coffee and a piece of cake. We were almost finished, and getting ready to leave, when a waitress came over to take our plates.

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