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Peter Parker Protection Squad

Yesterday, 19:34 PM


My friends call me MJ: We saw the news.

My friends call me MJ: And you better answer our texts Parker. 

GuyInTheChair: i don't think he's awake. 

IamIronMan: He's not. After dinner he already went to sleep. 

GuyInTheChair: ohhh. thanks for tellin us mr stark. pls tell peter to answer us plsss. 

Today, 08:26 AM

Yeeter Parker: Hi guys. 

Yeeter Parker: I'm okay. And alive. :) 

Yeeter Parker: And now I fear heights and have PTSD. 

My friends call me MJ: I bet you had a nightmare. 

Yeeter Parker: .... 

IamIronMan: He did. 

GuyInTheChair: no surprises there. 

GuyInTheChair: but are you like, okay? Cos you fell like 102 stories.

IamIronMan: He's mostly okay. Right? 

Yeeter Parker: Yep. Totally okay. 👌

My friends call me MJ: Did you call May? 

Yeeter Parker: Immediately. Tony called her immediately when we reached the tower. 

IamIronMan: Thank whatever gods that are out there that she did not kill both our eardrums Pete.

Yeeter Parker: 🙏

GuyInTheChair: 🙏

IamIronMan: 🙏

My friends cal me MJ: ...... 

"And MJ is now offline." Peter announced, dragging out the 'n'. 

"I like her. She's not so much of a dork, unlike you and Ted. Gives major Pepper vibes tho." Tony replied. 

"Ned. Stop pretending like you don't know how to say his name." Peter corrected, "Also, I thought you liked dorks, since you're kinda one yourself."

"Yeah but I'm a cool dork. You're probably one of those dorks that have made a whole group chat just for playing Monopoly Go or something." Tony added.

Peter stayed silent. 

Tony burst out laughing. "No. Way. You actually did?" 

"What?! It's fun!" Peter defended, turning scarlet, pouting when Tony didn't stop laughing. "Stop making fun of me dad!" Peter whined. 

Tony may have calmed down from laughing but he was grinning like an idiot as he ruffled Peter's hair fondly, causing the teen to squawk indignantly like usual. 

"I'm so glad I saved you yesterday."

"You're not the only one you know." Peter admitted. 

Smiling till the sides of his eyes were crinkling, Tony wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulders and dragged the boy closer to him, chin resting on Peter's soft curls. Basking in the fact that Peter was here with him, alive and not buried somewhere underneath dirt. 

"It's not your fault I nearly died either." Peter murmured, smiling as Tony huffed. "I know you're thinking about it cause Rhodey keeps telling me about your immense guilt complex."

"Traitor." Tony said, letting Peter go. 

"But you know it's not your fault right?" Peter asked. 

"It kinda is kiddo." Tony sighed, "They were after me. Not you. But, they saw how close you were to me and targeted you. Just to get their revenge on me. And you nearly died in the process." Tony explained slowly.

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