"gyu," he mumbled, the words vibrating against their lips. mingyu hummed lowly, rubbing his hand through dal's hair. dal brought his leg up, feeling happy at mingyu's lips pressed against his.

mingyu unclasped their lips, leaving multiple pecks on his neck, unbuttoning the top three buttons of dal's shirt. "you're eager." dal sighed, mingyu biting down on dal's collarbone, a loud moan sound through the room.

dal clasped his hand over his mouth, mingyu continuing to kiss his neck. pulling mingyu's face up, dal connected their lips again, suppressing the noises that wanted to come from his throat.

"fuck," mingyu said, his phone ringing. "i got to go. i'm sorry." dal nodded, pecking his lips, legs  shaking as he walked to the mirror. fixing himself up, he groaned, his pants fitting tighter than before. "oh shit."


changing into a pair of more presentable clothes, dal stood up from his bed, wooseok emerging from the bathroom. "you can go now." he said, dal patting his back before entering the room.

his black tshirt and baggy grey jeans clung to his body, dal splashing water on his face. grabbing his cleanser, dal looked in the mirror, eyes narrowing at a darker mark on his neck. "what the fuck is that." staring deeply, his jaw fell open. "oh hell."

pulling the left shoulder of his shirt down, he groaned at the sprinkles of brown and purple. "oh mingyu is going to get and earful." dal said, pulling out his phone.


kim mingyu.
i'm going to fucking obliterate you

what happened?

you left like
7 hickeys on my neck and

oh fuck
i'm sorry dal

you should be



im so so sorry

we aren't even dating
what am i supposed to do
if someone sees this?

i say use concealer:/

i was going to do that
you idiot

im so sorry :(

its fine
it's just i didnt expect to
deal with this

it's my fault completely
i apologize

its chill ig

mwua mwua

byebye :/
ill be there soon

alr byebye :(

clicking his phone off, dal sighed, grabbing his concealer from his makeup bag, blotting it on the marks. "just pretend it doesn't exist." he sighed, blending the makeup out. "dal lets go!" eunjoo yelled, dal running out. "let's go."

grabbing wooseok's hand, dal nervously moving his shirt around, hoping it wouldn't smudge. this was not how this day was supposed to go.


"are you okay?" mingyu asked, holding dal's arms gently. "yeah. just kind of overwhelmed i guess." sitting down, mingyu nodded, dal washing his face. "i'm really sorry. i shouldn't have done that." chuckling, dal put primer on his face, mingyu frowning.

"you didn't mean to. unless you meant to do this." "you've forgiven me?" "of course gyu." dal said, setting the base. grabbing his palette, dal completed mingyu's eye makeup, smiling happily.

"you're done. get changed and rest gyu." getting up, mingyu turned away, walking back quickly. "one last thing." "hit me with it." dal said, putting the makeup in order. "show me the hickeys when the concert is over. i bet they look hot on you."

"kim mingyu!" "kidding." mingyu said, giving dal a large hug.

"you're pretty no matter what." quickly pecking dal's ear, mingyu ran away, blush on dal's face. "what is he doing to me?"

words: 1200
not edited

ooh. drama.
dals friends are going to show up more
anyways it only gets good from here
thank you for 2k reads on this book :(
this time last year i would never be able to dream of having this many reads and people enjoying what i'd write
ew ill stop being sappy
i need to sleep oml


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