Oh, there's the NightWing that was going to fight the IceWing queen's nephew. 

Seems stuck up like all the rest of the NightWings. 

She's kinda scary looking.

 I could beat her. 

Mostly they were thinking about themselves though. There were only a few who noticed her and who she was. What will they think of me? was the prevailing whisper in all their minds. Will anyone like me? What if I say something stupid?

She didn't catch any thoughts about strange dreams or murder plans though. Although she didn't think it would be that easy. 

Eclipse led them away from the Great Hall and toward where Ostrich had led her before. Eclipse turned down a side corridor lined with hanging scrolls; as she followed, Eclipse noticed quotes drawn on each one. She passed them all without bothering to read them. At the end they turned into a space full of iridescent green sunlight. 

It was like stepping into a dream. Scrolls were everywhere, simply everywhere, in cubby holes along all the walls and more racks and cylinders around the cave. Every corner had a spot to curl up and read in: sometimes a rock ledge, sometimes a pile of moss or an arrangement of carpets. Most of the members of her winglet were here including Sepia, who was quietly sitting alone, her eyes wondering around the room periodically glancing at their winglet.  

Sunbeams filtered down through skylights in the roof and windows along one wall. Each of the holes was covered with something thin enough to let the light through but strong enough to keep the wind and weather out. Eclipse tilted her head towards the closest one, studying it. It was emerald green, with traces of veins branching through it. 

Leaves. she realized.

Eclipse lifted her head and noticed Starflight tilting his head towards her. His mind was always comforting to dip into. There was nothing ever hurtful in there. His brain was busy, but he never thought of her as "not a real a NightWing" or "dangerous and untrustworthy". He was like her, a stranger in his own tribe.

"Eclipse?" he guessed.  

"Hi, Starflight." Eclipse said with a smile. Eclipse began towards him, flicking her tail. She was always kind to him, but she would never admit she had a soft spot for him. Maybe because he was the only NightWing who accepted her for who she was.  

It's the NightWing from the prey center. Threatening her majesty's nephew. Despicable. 

Eclipse sauntered up to his desk, smiling as he grinned. "How have you been." she asked.   

"Oh, I'm trying." he chuckled sadly. "The school still needs a few things, but I'm happy you decided to come."

She was only protecting her sister. She looks nice, talking to the librarian like that. Maybe it's just because he's another NightWing. But she walked in with that SandWing. 

"Well, Moon talked me into it." Eclipse confessed, Anemone's thought twinkled among the other more negative ones. "Thank her." 

"I did," he said. 

NightWing. They captured and tortured my friends. 

Eclipse huffed, feeling the burn of resentment from the RainWing. "I wondered if she'd already come down."

"Who came in with you?" he asked her. 

"Oh," Eclipse breathed. "Ostrich."

"Ah," Starflight said. "Then we're only waiting for the SkyWing. Here's your library stamp in the mean time." he slid something out from under the desk.

Wings of Fire - Eclipse Burning (1)Where stories live. Discover now