I couldn't stop laughing after you told me about what Garreth did with one of his potions. I think one week of no potion making is not a good enough punishment. He should be banned from all potions for life.

I still haven't heard from Ominis, and still only got the two letters from him. I told you before he was planning on spending this summer with me, then he got quiet. It's not like him to do this, he has spent the summers with me before. I don't know what's going on with him.

I can't wait to see you again at school. Hopefully this year will be better than you're last year. I still feel bad about putting you through all that, and what I did to you. It was your first year at the school , and you went through to much. This year I will make sure it'll be nice and easy going.

You're loving friend, Sebastian


Thanks for the birthday wishes and scarf. I have no idea how you found out, but I'm guessing professor Weasley told you. Anne thanks you for the scarf she loved the colors you chose.

I put the letter down and gave a sigh as I looked out the window. Then a cookie appeared in my face.

"Mom said that no one is sad when they have a cookie. You look said have a cookie." I smiled and took the cookie. "Why are you sad?"

"The summer is almost over and I haven't heard from one of my friends."

"Don't worry, your friend will be at school. When you see them you yell at them and tell that person that you got verry sad not hearing from them. Also tell them that they're not a good friend for not sending you a letter." I started laughing and said ok.

The next day at breakfast time an owl flew in throw the window. It was caring Hogwarts letters.

"Hers one for you Zorro." Garreth said sitting next to me. He handed me the letter. As he put a piece of toast in his mouth. "I guess today will be going to Diagon Alley"

"Mom Garreth is talking with food in his mouth again." He's little sister said. Garreth throw a napping at here and we all started laughing.

We made our way to Diagon Alley later that day. I have never been there before the streets were filed with witches & wizards walking around. So many stores filled with a lot of cool stuff.

"There you are my friend!!" A pair of arms suddenly raped around me making me fall to the ground.

"Why do I always fall down?" I gave out a sigh looking at Natty.

"I'm am sorry my friend." She stared getting off me. "I could not help my joy when I saw you. It has been to long since we talked."

"You sent Zorro an owl yesterday." Garreth said helping me up. "I'm surprised Owls still come to our house. You had one come every day." I started giggling.

"It was not every day." Natty said crossing her arm. "It was every other day."

"I've missed you." I said giving her a hug. "Have you seen any one ells from our school?"

"Not yet. The time is still early will see them sooner or later." She grabbed my had "Com let's get some butter bear."

The three of us went to a near buy Pub and got butter bear. As we were drinking, I saw Ominis coming down a flight of stairs. He wasn't holding his wand. I was about to get up and go over to him. When Natty put her hand on my arm, stopping me. A man dressed all in black was walking behind him. He looked almost like Ominis, but his hair was darker and was taller them Ominis.

"Come on boy. This place smells of mud bloods." He said, looking around.

"Ok." Ominis said, making his way to the door.

"What that Ominis's father?" I said watching them leave.

"Don't let you self get in the way of that man." Garreth said putting his drink down. "That's Marvolo Gaunt. He's Ominis's older brother."

"I'm surprised to see him." Natty chimed in. "He should be at the ministers. That family always think they're better than everyone."

"Ominis is not like that." I down in to my butterbeer.

"He's the what the muggles call a black sheep of the family." Garreth said taking a sip of his drink.

"But he is not a sheep...." Natty said confused. Garreth and I burst out in laughter.

"I-it men's he's not like his family." I said trying to get my breath.

"Then why not just say that? Why bring sheep in to the conversation."

"Natty it's just something muggles say." I said, wiping a tear from my eye

"Muggles are weird."

After we finished our Butter bear, we all spited up. I had to go get my books for the year. Garreth went to find his family, & Natty went to get a new robe for the year. I was in a book store when I heard two girls talking.

"Look over there!" The pare of girls were whispering. "Those men go to Durmstrang. I can't believe they're here." They started giggling "There so handsome."

I looked over to where they were looking. I saw nothing special about them. They were just verry nicely dried. When I was looking for my book I didn't notice that there was a step down. I felt my self falling when a pair of muscular arms caught me. I looked up and it was one of those guys from Durmstrang. 

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