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Juliette POV

It's already been a few months since we started filming and me and Momona have gotten very close. I introduced her to Eleanor and they got along well too. I also wouldn't be lying if I didn't say I liked Malachi even more than I did before but, he still has a girlfriend. I haven't seen Kathrine that much but every time I did, she would always give me the worst death glare.

Three of a Kind




what did I not tell you and why are we yelling

what do you mean "what did i not tell you"


i mean i have no idea what you
guys are talking abt

then what is this??????


Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.



because you don't check your insta that much


so you and malachi aren't dating


NO!!!!!!we were just hanging out
cause we were bored asf

Malachi ran into my room with a worried expression. "Did you see the instagram post?" he said and started pacing back and forth. "Yeah. Eleanor just showed me." I said, staring at him. He started mumbling something about Kathrine being pissed while I went to the instagram account. I saw the post and commented 'ummmm. we were just hanging out. it wasn't a date so please stop spreading misinformation.' "Just commented on the post." He stopped and looked at me, "What did you say?" he asked and I showed him my comment. He then looked relieved and flopped down on my bed.

Face down he said, "Kathrine won't stop calling me but when i try to explain, she just cut me off." He turned face up and I just asked, "Why are you even dating her if this is how she acts?" I heard him sigh and say, "She asked me out a few months ago. I thought she was nice so I said yes and now,' he paused for a few seconds facing me, 'I don't have the heart to break up with her." I heard my phone buzz to see that Mason texted me.

The Grabbers fav😫

The Grabbers fav😫
are you and malachi dating?

we just got hella bored and went to the movies

The Grabbers fav😫
then what was w/ the hugging
in the photo


it was a jokeee
i said i was cold and he started hugging me
why tf do you sound pissed???

The Grabbers fav😫
im not. just wondering anyway what at ya doing rn

just hanging with Malachi in my room

The Grabbers fav😫
ill talk to you later then.

bye then....

The Grabbers fav😫

"Why the fuck is he being so dry?" I thought. "Who was that?" Malachi asked looking up from his phone. "Just Mason." He propped himself up on his elbows and asked, "What did he want?" "Just asking if we were dating." He looked confused laying back down and said, "He does know I have a girlfriend right?" I shrugged and asked he when we had to go on set today. "I don't know. I'll ask Alyssa." I opened my phone and called her.

"Hey what do you need?"
"Just asking when me and Malachi need to be on set."
"Let me check."
There were a few moments of silence and Alyssa said,
"Says 4 o'clock"
"Kay thanks. Bye. Love ya"
"Love you too."

I hung up and looked at Malachi. "She said 4." He glanced at his phone and said. "Then we have about 45 minutes. Wanna go get ice cream?" I laugh and say, "Even after all that stupid movie drama." He nodded. "I don't care about what all those others think. I need some ice cream." We both laughed and I said, "Yeah sure lets go." I got up and brushed my hair and we both walked out and down the stairs. We walked past the kitchen and saw Malachi's mom and dad. "Where are you guys going?" Felicia asked. "Out before we got to go to set." Malachi said, grabbing his wallet and car keys. "Ok. Be safe." She said and we walked out.

We got in the car and drove to the nearby boardwalk mall. We parked and Malachi got out first. He came to my side and opened my door. "Milady." He said as I got out laughing at him. "Why thank you kind sir." I say in a British accent. "You have a horrible accent." He laughed at me. "Wow. You don't need to be so mean about it." I said putting a hand over my heart, jokingly. We got to the ice cream parlor and he ordered his ice cream. "And you miss?" The ice cream dude looked at me and Malachi cut me off. "Coffee.' He looks at me, 'You like coffee right?" I smile and nod. "Okay. Any toppings?" Malachi shakes his head and I said, "Just whipped cream please. Both regular size by the way." The ice cream dude shook his head and said, "$10.56. Tap your card when you're ready." He said as he walked away to get our ice cream. I get my wallet out of my purse and when I looked up, I already saw Malachi paying for it.

"I was about to get my car out you know." He looked at me and smiled. "I know. I just didn't need you to pay." I laugh and said, "I'll pay you back." "No you won't. You don't need to." Our ice cream came out and we said thank you. As we were walking to go sit down I said, "Why don't I?" "Cause,' he looked at me and said, 'it was my idea to get ice cream in the first place." I shrugged. "Fine." I looked down at my ice cream and I heard him chuckle.

Malachi POV

After we were done, we started walking around the boardwalk. Some fans came up to us and asked for photos. We played some boardwalk games and she won some stuffed animals. She was smiling, walking around while I was holding all of her prizes. "We should go before we're late." I looked at my phone and saw it was 3:46. I looked at her and nodded and we started walking towards the parking lot. I've only known Juliette for about 5 months and I thought that my feelings for her would eventually just start to fade away but they only grew. We got to the car and put all of her prizes in the trunk. "Can I drive?" She asks, smiling up at me holding her hand out. "Are you gonna kill us?" I ask, laughing a bit, finally noticing how close we were. "No. I can drive just fine. Just NEVER let me drive in the rain." "Ok." I say uneasy, handing her the keys and she jumped up excitedly, giggling as she walked towards the drivers seat. We got into the car and she plugged in her phone, connecting to the car.

She turned on Taylor Swift, turned up the volume, and started driving. She was yelling to the bridge of "Cruel Summer" at a red light and I looked at her and she looked back at me before the light turned green causing her to look away. I looked down at my phone and saw messages from Kathrine. I just saw that she was yelling at me again for being with Juli at the boardwalk. I just ignore her for now and put back down my phone and thought to myself, "I need to break up with Kathrine."

A/N: Sorry for not posting I was on vacation but I'm backkkk

Forever & Always ✮ Malachi BartonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin